BSc Biological Sciences (SCAU) (BGS3)

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This programme in biological sciences is specifically designed for a dual (4+0) degree provided jointly by South China Agricultural University (SCAU) and University College Dublin (UCD). The programme focuses on living organisms, their biology, their interactions with each other and the environment, and their importance for and use by humans. The programme covers all scales of biological systems, from molecules, cells, whole organisms, to ecosystems and the global biosphere. Your studies will first cover the basic sciences (including chemistry, mathematics, genetics, molecular biology) essential for understanding biological structures, functions and processes. Then, you will learn about the evolution, classification and biology of micro-organisms, plants and animals, and the techniques used to classify, culture, study and use these organisms. Finally, you will learn how biological sciences are applied in biotechnology and molecular sciences, plant and animal production, nature conservation and ecosystem management. The programme provides in its graduates a professional body of biological, biotechnological and ecological knowledge and technical skills, as well as interpersonal skills and a capacity for critical thinking that are necessary to tackle major challenges society faces today.
1 - Comprehensive understanding of how organisms survive and function, at all scales from molecular, cell, whole-organism, ecosystem, to the biosphere
2 - Detailed knowledge of the biology of micro-organisms, plants and animals
3 - Use a wide range of laboratory and field procedures and equipment in an efficient and safe way
4 - Ability to devise, conduct and interpret scientific investigations involving the collection, appropriate analysis and reporting of biological data
5 - Generic skills required in a wide range of career paths in biological, biotechnological and ecological fields
6 - Ability to search and review scientific literature and other reliable information sources, and effectively communicate biological information
7 - English language proficiency and international study experience
Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
GDIC1001K English for University Studies Autumn 10
GDIC1006K Introduction of Life Sciences Autumn 5
GDIC1012K Mathematics I (BS & Hort) Autumn 5
GDIC1014K Inorganic & Analytical Chem Autumn 5
GDIC1015K Chemistry Experiments 1 Autumn 5
BIOL1015K Origin and Diversity of Life Spring 5
GDIC1002K English Gen Academic Purposes Spring 10
GDIC1013K Mathematics II (Theory & Experiments) (BS & Hort) Spring 5
GDIC1016K Chemistry Experiments 2 Spring 5
GDIC1017K Organic Chemistry Spring 5
Stage 1 Core Modules
Stage 2 Core Modules
BIOL2001K Plant Biology Autumn 5
FDSC2027K Microbiology Autumn 5
GDIC2001K Academic Writing & Com Skills Autumn 5
GDIC2010K Microbiology - Experiments Autumn 5
GDIC2015K Biochemistry (Theory&Experiments) BS Autumn 5
GDIC3032K Plant Biology Exper&Practice Autumn 5
AESC2009K Microbiology in Action: Food, Health, Environment Spring 5
BIOL2002K Animal Biology Spring 5
BIOL2003K Quantitative Skills for Biologists Spring 5
GDIC1021K College Physics (Theory & Experiments) Spring 5
GDIC2002K Eng Specific Academic Purpose Spring 5
GDIC2019K Animal Biology (Expe&Practice) Spring 5
Stage 2 Core Modules
Stage 3 Core Modules
BIOL3001K Genetics Autumn 5
BIOL3002K Cell Biology (China) Autumn 5
GDIC3013K Genetics Experiments Autumn 5
GDIC3015K Cell Biology Experiments Autumn 5
GDIC3019K Plant physiology research&tech Autumn 5
GDIC3029K Plant Physiology Autumn 5
AESC3026K Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Spring 5
AESC3027K The Circular Bioeconomy Spring 5
BIOL3003K Big Data Bioinformatics Spring 5
FDSC2025K Human Nutrition Spring 5
GDIC3022K Microbial Physiology Spring 5
GDIC3028K Molecular Biology Spring 5
Stage 3 Core Modules
Stage 4 Core Modules
AESC4069K Biodiversity and Ecosystem Ecology Autumn 5
AESC4070K Global Change Biology Autumn 5
AESC4071K Wildlife Management and Conservation Autumn 5
AESC4072K One Health: Plants, Animals, Humans, Environment Autumn 5
AESC4073K Global Food Security Autumn 5
GDIC3021K Scientific Research Training Autumn 5
BIOL4000K Sc. Writing & Communication Spring 5
GDIC3004K Graduation Practice Spring 10
GDIC3024K Graduation Thesis/Design - BSC Spring 15
Stage 4 Core Modules
See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info  
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
BHAGR027 Stage 4 - 50.00%
Stage 3 - 50.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2






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