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BA (PT) (BHACS031)

Academic Year 2024/2025
Arts & Humanities
UCD Level
NFQ Level
Arts (BA)
Overall Credits for Programme
Credits per Stage
Stage 1
Core/Option: 50 Electives: 10
Stage 2
Core/Option: 50 Electives: 10
Stage 3
Core/Option: 50 Electives: 10
Programme Director

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Curricular information is subject to change

Art History HAJ1 Art History Joint Major (Joint Major)
Art History HAC1 Art History (Subject / Stream)
Celtic Civilisation CCJ1 Celtic Civilization Joint Major (Joint Major)
Celtic Civilisation CCC1 Celtic Civilization (Subject / Stream)
Drama Studies RDD1 Drama Studies (Subject / Stream)
English ENJ1 English Joint Major (Joint Major)
English ENC1 English (Subject / Stream)
French FRJ1 French Joint Major (Joint Major)
French FRC1 French & Francophone Studies (Subject / Stream)
Geography GGJ1 Geography Joint Major (Joint Major)
Geography GGC1 Geography (Subject / Stream)
German GRJ1 German Joint Major (Joint Major)
German GRC4 German Beginners (Subject / Stream)
German GRC5 German Non-Beginners (Subject / Stream)
Greek GKJ2 Greek Mode B Joint Major (Joint Major)
Greek GKC2 Greek (Mode B) (Subject / Stream)
Greek and Roman Civilisation GCJ1 Greek & Roman Civilization Joint Major (Joint Major)
Greek and Roman Civilisation GCC1 Greek & Roman Civilization (Subject / Stream)
History HSJ1 History Joint Major (Joint Major)
History HSC1 History (Subject / Stream)
Information & Social Computing ICJ1 Information & Social Computing Joint Major (Joint Major)
Irish Folklore IFJ1 Irish Folklore Joint Major (Joint Major)
Irish Folklore IFD1 Irish Folklore (Subject / Stream)
Irish Studies ISJ1 Irish Studies Joint Major (Joint Major)
Irish Studies ISC1 Irish Studies (Subject / Stream)
Italian ITJ1 Italian Studies Joint Major (Joint Major)
Italian ITC1 Italian Studies Beginners (Subject / Stream)
Italian ITC5 Italian Studies Non-Beginners (Subject / Stream)
Latin LTJ2 Latin Mode B Joint Major (Joint Major)
Latin LTC1 Latin (Mode A) (Subject / Stream)
Latin LTC2 Latin (Mode B) (Subject / Stream)
Linguistics LIJ1 Linguistics Joint Major (Joint Major)
Linguistics LIC1 Linguistics (Subject / Stream)
Modern Irish MIJ1 Modern Irish Joint Major (Joint Major)
Modern Irish MIC1 Modern Irish (Subject / Stream)
Music MCJ1 Music Joint Major (Joint Major)
Music MCC1 Music (Stage 1) (Subject / Stream)
Philosophy PLJ1 Philosophy Joint Major (Joint Major)
Philosophy PLC1 Philosophy (Subject / Stream)
Politics PTJ1 Politics Joint Major (Joint Major)
Portuguese PRC1 Portuguese (BA Two Subject) (Subject / Stream)
Psychology PCC1 Psychology (Subject / Stream)
Sociology SOJ1 Sociology Joint Major (Joint Major)
Sociology SOC1 Sociology (Subject / Stream)
Spanish ELJ1 Spanish Joint Major (Joint Major)
Spanish ELC1 Spanish Beginners (Subject / Stream)
Spanish ELC2 Spanish Non-Beginners (Subject / Stream)
Statistics SAJ2 Statistics Joint Major (Joint Major)
Statistics SAC3 Statistics (Subject / Stream)