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German  (GRC4)

Academic Year 2024/2025
School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
Full Time
NFQ Level
Mode of Delivery
On Campus
Programme Director
Dr Joseph Twist
Overall Programme Credits:
Programme Credits:
Major/Minor Core & Option Credits:
Stage 1: 10

Curricular information is subject to change.

The German programme is aimed at students who seek to communicate in the German language at the highest levels of fluency across a broad range of social and professional contexts, and who want to develop a sophisticated degree of intercultural competence. Critically aware and open to alternative ways of thinking, successful graduates are equipped to live and work effectively in multi-cultural and multi-lingual environments.

Detailed attention to language in its broadest sense is the basis of intellectual growth and active citizenship: our students therefore train their analytical and critical skills and build their understanding of the literary, artistic, historical and cultural frameworks in which the German language and German-speaking societies are embedded. We also seek to foster understanding of, and respect for, cultural diversity.

Engaging with another language and culture is a lifelong process, and a central aim of the programme is therefore the fostering of autonomous learning strategies, independent thought and intellectual curiosity. A small group teaching and learning environment, where the emphasis is on collaboration and discussion, nurtures critical thinking, interpersonal skills and fluency of expression in both English and German. The programme goals are supported by assessment strategies that emphasize continuous engagement, reflective learning and focused research.

1 - 1. Understand, express and communicate ideas in clear, fluent and accurate spoken and written German, in a register appropriate to the context
2 - 2. Demonstrate an awareness of general linguistic and rhetorical strategies and grammatical structures
3 - 3. Demonstrate an ability to manage time and to work effectively, both independently and as part of a team
4 - 4. Demonstrate an ability to use appropriate methods of academic enquiry in order to formulate pertinent questions about, and to build knowledge of, German-speaking cultures
5 - 5. Structure information lucidly and present logical arguments in clear, unambiguous English, paying attention to the relevant conventions of formatting and referencing
6 - 6. Demonstrate an ability to understand, apply and evaluate secondary literature and theoretical writings
7 - 7. Think independently and critically, showing an awareness of the value of questioning and challenging conventions and assumptions
8 - 8. Understand the ethical implications of ideas, communications, and actions, especially within the historical and contemporary context of German-speaking cultures
9 - 9. Appreciate the influence of the past on communities, societal structures and beliefs in German-speaking cultures
10 - 10. Apply appropriate historical and cultural knowledge to understand and critically interpret complex texts of a literary, historical or academic nature
11 - 11. Understand, discuss critically, and express informed opinions on current contemporary, social and political issues as they are represented in the German-language media
12 - 12. Show heightened self-awareness and intercultural competence as a result of engaging with the German-speaking cultures and societies

Stage 1

Students who wish to progress to Stage Two must have passed GER10110 German Beginners B' plus one other German module.

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
GER10100 German Beginners A Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
GER10110 German Beginners B Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Students may take modules from the list below in place of electives.
GER10150 German History on Screen Spring  5