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Art History  (HAC1)

Academic Year 2024/2025
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
Full Time
NFQ Level
Mode of Delivery
On Campus
Programme Director
Assoc Professor Conor Lucey
Overall Programme Credits:
Programme Credits:
Major/Minor Core & Option Credits:
Stage 1: 10

Curricular information is subject to change.

Dealing with visual culture - with painting, sculpture, architecture, drawing, photography, performance and the decorative arts - Art History is a dynamic and richly rewarding subject.
At Stage 1 students are offered four stimulating courses that collectively provide a foundation for the theories and ideas that underpin Art History as a discipline, and an analysis of European art from Antiquity to the early 20th century. Students will investigate how long-established artistic traditions evolve and are challenged, echoing wider historical, social and political contexts.

There are four lecture modules offered at Level 1 (Year 1) and all comprise 2 lectures per week and small-group tutorials.

AH10130 is the CORE Stage 1 module and students considering Art History as part of their degree are required to take a minimum of one other Stage 1 module.
Students should not take any Stage 2 and 3 Art History modules until they have completed their Stage 1 Art History requirements.

Stage 1

Students can progress to Stage 2 having passed AH10160 and a minimum of one other Art History module offered at Stage 1.

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
AH10160 Art History in the Making Autumn  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students can progress to Stage 2 having passed AH10160 and a minimum of one other Art History module offered at Stage 1
AH10260 An Introduction to European Art 1: Antiquity to High Renaissance Autumn  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students can progress to Stage 2 having passed AH10160 and a minimum of one other Art History module offered at Stage 1
AH10150 The Modern World 1848-1914 Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students can progress to Stage 2 having passed AH10160 and a minimum of one other Art History module offered at Stage 1
AH10270 An Introduction to European Art 2: Late Renaissance to Romanticism Spring  5