DN530 BA Humanities Music, Film & Drama (MCS4)

The BA Humanities is an innovative, interdisciplinary four-year programme that combines multiple subjects to provide coherence and depth to student learning within nine carefully structured pathways. Taught by expert academics in the Arts and Humanities, the BA Humanities programme offers both intensive training in particular disciplines and unique skill sets that are developed by bringing together subjects that and relate closely to each other. Students will gain essential life and employment skills, including critical, analytical and creative thinking, and expert communications, while learning how to be adaptable and flexible in preparation for employment in a dynamic work environment.

This pathway allows students to immerse themselves in the close, interdisciplinary study of Music, Film and Drama, with the aim of understanding how they have come to engage with and express the core of human experience. By studying them from sociocultural and historical perspectives, students will be able to understand the ways in which they have influenced and continue to transform each other. Students will also learn how to understand the inner workings of these art forms and the theories informing them, while deepening their practical knowledge of how to write about these distinct forms for commercial, creative and critical audiences.

Curricular information is subject to change

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This 4-year pathway allows students to immerse themselves in the close study of music, film and drama, to understand them from cultural and historical perspectives, and to explore the ways in which they influence and transform each other. By providing students with a firm grounding in analytical techniques and aesthetic theory, we encourage the close reading of cultural artefacts to help students develop a nuanced understanding of form, genre, and process. By relying upon a shared body of scholarly work drawn from literary theory, cultural studies, anthropology, and media studies, we give students the opportunity to approach and apply complex theoretical perspectives to a variety of art forms, and appreciate both the similarities and differences between the two. Finally, by incorporating modules that explore the social and historical contexts of music, film, and drama, we emphasize the interconnectedness of art and culture, and help students articulate and appreciate the value of the arts in human life. The first year of the programme builds students’ vocabulary and fluency in key analytical techniques and introduces students to cultural and historical contexts of music, film and drama. Second year modules broaden the scope of inquiry, moving from central texts and practices to the representation of lesser-known voices and issues. In the third and fourth year of the programme, students will begin to forge their own path, taking modules that focus on specific genres and/or issues in these art forms. Students can also choose to incorporate a one-semester humanities internship or semester abroad. In the final year, students will work on a major BA dissertation which will allow them to produce a sustained research project on a topic of their choice, working one-on-one with an expert in the field. The pathway is designed to be progressive; analytical skills developed honed in first and second year are used as the basis for independent research and writing in the final two years of the programme.

1 - Use skills of inquiry, research, critical thinking, and problem solving to pursue and evaluate knowledge.
2 - Evaluate ideas, challenge assumptions and develop creative solutions to problems including through the independent pursuit of knowledge and making connections between different disciplinary approaches and methods.
3 - Demonstrate effective communication, digital expertise, collaboration and leadership skills to convert decisions and commitments into action.
4 - Understand the ethical implications of ideas, communications, and actions including demonstrated awareness of the historical and cultural construction of knowledge systems and traditions.
5 - Understand the relevance and contribution of the Humanities to contemporary society and cultural practice including an ability to articulate the links between past and present as well as the influence of the past on shaping community and societal structures and beliefs.
6 - Articulate advocacy of human, social and cultural values with a propensity towards and awareness of the value of life-long learning, an understanding of how to learn, including an appreciation of the complexity of ideas, of societies, cultures and language.

The 4-year pathway prepares graduates to pursue careers in Theatre, Music Industry, Journalism,

Media, Arts Administration, Education, Academia, Performance.

In addition to MLitt and PhD programmes in Music, Drama and Film, UCD offers the following taught graduate degrees:

  • MMus (Musicology or Ethnomusicology)

  • MA in Film Studies

  • MA in Drama and Performance Studies

UCD Arts & Humanities Programme Office,
Newman Building,
Dublin 4
Tel: +353 1 716 8321/8102

Web: www.ucd.ie/ahss

Stage 1

Students are pre-registered to 8 core modules (40 credits). Students should then choose a minimum of 3 option modules (15 credits). They will also register for 5 elective credits in the Spring Trimester. It is recommended that students spread their credit workload evenly between the Autumn and the Spring (30 credits per trimester).

Stage 2

Students take two 5-credit Core modules. They then take an additional 40 credits in Option modules, with a minimum of 10 credits and a maximum 20 credits per subject Option group.
They then take an additional 10 credits in Electives, which could include Career Readiness or modules from the subject or performance options.

Stage 3

Students who remain on campus must take 50 credits from the Music, Film and Drama Option modules. They can take up to 60 credits from these Music, Drama & Film modules, or, they may take 10 of these credits as Electives.

Students who are away for one trimester (on study abroad or internship) must complete 30 credits from the subject Options at Stage 3.

Students who are away for the entire year (on year abroad or trimester abroad+internship) do not need to register for additional modules.

Stage 4

Students take between 30 and 40 credits in Level 3 Option modules - no subject limitations. Students take the Dissertation Research Methods module in the Autumn and the Dissertation module in the Spring.

Students can also take up to 10 credits as Electives.

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
DRAM10010 Theatre Context and Conventions Autumn 5
FS10010 Introduction to Film and Media Autumn 5
MFD10010 Music, Film and Drama: Making, Doing, Interpreting Autumn 5
MUS10150 Writing about Music Autumn 5
DRAM10030 Theatre Matters Spring 5
FS10020 Introduction to Film and Media Theory Spring 5
MFD10020 Adaptation, Transmediality & Intertextuality Spring 5
MUS10120 Music, Culture and Society Spring 5
Stage 1 Core Modules
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN3OF:
(Choose 3 of) Choose three option modules (15 credits). Note: Musicianship is recommended to any student who plans to take Music Theory 1 in the Spring. This module will help strengthen your skills in reading music notation and the basic elements of music theory. All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2). Students may take additional option modules from this list in place of electives if they wish.
FS10060 Cinema Creatives Autumn 5
MUS10210 Musicianship Autumn 5
MUS10230 Classical Music: The Farewell Tour Autumn 5
MUS20320 UCD Philharmonic Choir Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20510 UCD Choral Scholars Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20530 UCD Symphony Orchestra Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20590 UCD Gamelan Ensemble Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20670 UCD Composition Ensemble Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20980 Irish Traditional Music Practices Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
DRAM10060 Collaborative Practice: Introduction to Physical Theatre Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
MUS10220 Popular Music Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
MUS10240 Music in Ireland Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
MUS20880 Techniques of Songwriting Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
DRAM10080 Theatre & Activism Spring 5
FS10050 Media and Globalisation: Places, Cultures and Identities in a Connected World Spring 5
FS10070 Doing Film History Spring 5
MUS10190 Music Theory 1 Spring 5
MUS20330 UCD Philharmonic Choir Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20520 UCD Choral Scholars Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20540 UCD Symphony Orchestra Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20600 UCD Gamelan Ensemble Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20680 UCD Composition Ensemble Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20990 Irish Traditional Music Practices Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN3OF:
(Choose 3 of) Choose three option modules (15 credits). Note: Musicianship is recommended to any student who plans to take Music Theory 1 in the Spring. This module will help strengthen your skills in reading music notation and the basic elements of music theory. All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2). Students may take additional option modules from this list in place of electives if they wish.
Stage 2 Core Modules
HUM20040 Primary Source Research in the Humanities A: Exploring UCD Cultural Heritage Collections Autumn 5
MFD20010 Producing Music, Film & Drama Spring 5
Stage 2 Core Modules
Stage 2 Options - A)MIN10CR:
Choose a minimum of 2 modules, with a maximum of 4 modules allowed.
MUS20080 Global Soundscapes Autumn 5
MUS20400 Early European Music Autumn 5
MUS20650 Music Theory 2 Autumn 5
MUS21000 Performing Process Autumn 5
MUS20030 Studies in Irish Music Spring 5
MUS20410 Music History Since 1750 Spring 5
MUS20640 Music Theory 3 Spring 5
MUS21010 Music Industries Spring 5
Stage 2 Options - A)MIN10CR:
Choose a minimum of 2 modules, with a maximum of 4 modules allowed.
Stage 2 Options - B)MIN10CR:
Choose a minimum of 2 modules, with a maximum of 4 modules allowed.
DRAM20110 Contemporary Ireland On Stage Autumn 5
DRAM20180 20thCentury AvantGarde Theatre Autumn 5
DRAM20200 Contemporary American Drama Autumn 5
ENG20450 Writing and Performance in the Age of Shakespeare: Renaissance Literature Autumn 5
DRAM20030 Collaborative Practice: Introduction to Devising Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
DRAM20010 Performance in Everyday Life Spring 5
DRAM20090 Contemporary British Theatre Spring 5
DRAM20230 Ghosts and Monsters On Stage Spring 5
Stage 2 Options - B)MIN10CR:
Choose a minimum of 2 modules, with a maximum of 4 modules allowed.
Stage 2 Options - C)MIN10CR:
Choose a minimum of 2 modules, with a maximum of 4 modules allowed.
FS20130 History of Television Autumn 5
FS20180 Global Bollywood Autumn 5
FS20200 Horror Autumn 5
FS20210 Women's Authorship in American Cinema Autumn 5
FS20140 Irish Cinema & TV Spring 5
FS20150 Documentary and Society Spring 5
FS20160 Action Adventure Cinema - Genre:Action/Adventure Spring 5
MUS21020 Film Music Spring 5
Stage 2 Options - C)MIN10CR:
Choose a minimum of 2 modules, with a maximum of 4 modules allowed.
Stage 2 Options - E)MIN0CR:
You can choose up to two modules in this category as electives IF YOU WISH.
MUS20320 UCD Philharmonic Choir Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20510 UCD Choral Scholars Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20530 UCD Symphony Orchestra Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20590 UCD Gamelan Ensemble Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20670 UCD Composition Ensemble Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20980 Irish Traditional Music Practices Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20880 Techniques of Songwriting Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
MUS20330 UCD Philharmonic Choir Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20520 UCD Choral Scholars Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20540 UCD Symphony Orchestra Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20600 UCD Gamelan Ensemble Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20680 UCD Composition Ensemble Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20990 Irish Traditional Music Practices Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
Stage 2 Options - E)MIN0CR:
You can choose up to two modules in this category as electives IF YOU WISH.
Stage 2 Options - F)MIN0OF:
This is a College of Arts and Humanities module. It is the equivalent of an elective. You can take it instead of taking one of your Stage 2 electives. Please make sure that you have selected the correct number of programme options from the list above. This is not one of your required options. It is particularly recommended if you are considering applying for an internship option next year.
HUM20030 Career Readiness (Humanities) Spring 5
Stage 2 Options - F)MIN0OF:
This is a College of Arts and Humanities module. It is the equivalent of an elective. You can take it instead of taking one of your Stage 2 electives. Please make sure that you have selected the correct number of programme options from the list above. This is not one of your required options. It is particularly recommended if you are considering applying for an internship option next year.
Stage 3 Options - A)MIN0CR:
Students who remain in UCD for the full year in Stage 3 take between 50 and 60 credits, no subject limitations. Any students away for a single trimester on study abroad or internship in Stage 3 must also complete 30 additional credits at Stage 3 to make up 60 credits. Students who are away for the whole year do not need to register for any of these modules.
DRAM30320 Performance Across the Globe Autumn 5
EDF30030 Exploring Creative Futures Autumn 5
FS30220 Wellness & Happiness Media Autumn 10
FS30230 Cinema and the City: New York Autumn 10
FS30250 Feminist Media Studies Autumn 10
FS30270 Irish Horror & Spec Film Autumn 10
FS30320 Punk, Cult and Video Art Autumn 10
MUS31170 African-American Religious Mus Autumn 10
MUS31460 New Ideas in Musicology Autumn 5
MUS31470 Techniques of Composition Autumn 10
MUS31480 Music and Western Empires Autumn 10
MUS31180 Issues in Music, Sound and the Moving Image Autumn and Spring (separate) 10
DRAM30100 Contemporary Theatre & Performance Spring 5
DRAM30200 Queer and Trans* Theatre and Performance Spring 10
DRAM30300 Directing for the Stage Spring 5
ENG32130 Irish Gothic Spring 10
ENG32300 Making Shakespeare Spring 5
FS30170 Whiteness, Ethnicity & American Film Spring 10
FS30180 Alternative&Independent Cinema Spring 10
FS30190 Animation Spring 10
FS30280 Gender Activism and the Global South Spring 10
FS30300 Chick Flicks: Women and Hollywood Storytelling Spring 10
FS30310 Beyoncé and Tay: The Intersections of Race, Gender, and Celebrity Spring 10
MUS31280 The Symphony in Europe Spring 10
MUS31330 Post-Truth, Politics & Music Spring 5
MUS31490 Music and Sexuality in Early European Musical Cultures Spring 10
Stage 3 Options - A)MIN0CR:
Students who remain in UCD for the full year in Stage 3 take between 50 and 60 credits, no subject limitations. Any students away for a single trimester on study abroad or internship in Stage 3 must also complete 30 additional credits at Stage 3 to make up 60 credits. Students who are away for the whole year do not need to register for any of these modules.
Stage 3 Options - B)MIN0CR:
You may choose two of these as electives if you wish. Please note some performance modules are by AUDITION ONLY. Do not register to these modules until AFTER you have passed your audition.
MUS20320 UCD Philharmonic Choir Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20510 UCD Choral Scholars Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20530 UCD Symphony Orchestra Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20590 UCD Gamelan Ensemble Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20670 UCD Composition Ensemble Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20980 Irish Traditional Music Practices Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20880 Techniques of Songwriting Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
MUS20330 UCD Philharmonic Choir Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20520 UCD Choral Scholars Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20540 UCD Symphony Orchestra Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20600 UCD Gamelan Ensemble Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20680 UCD Composition Ensemble Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20990 Irish Traditional Music Practices Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - B)MIN0CR:
You may choose two of these as electives if you wish. Please note some performance modules are by AUDITION ONLY. Do not register to these modules until AFTER you have passed your audition.
Stage 3 Options - C)MIN0OF:
Students who have been offered a College sourced internship, or self-sourced their own internship with approval from the Programme Board should register to the internship module in the appropriate trimester.
HUM30020 Internship-Autumn (Humanities) Autumn 30
HUM30030 Internship- Spring (Humanities) Spring 30
Stage 3 Options - C)MIN0OF:
Students who have been offered a College sourced internship, or self-sourced their own internship with approval from the Programme Board should register to the internship module in the appropriate trimester.
Stage 3 Options - D)MIN0OF:
This is an elective substitution module. You may select this module instead of one of your elective modules.
HUM30050 Writing for Life: employability skills for arts and humanities students Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - D)MIN0OF:
This is an elective substitution module. You may select this module instead of one of your elective modules.
Stage 4 Core Modules
ENG30970 Dissertation Research Methods Autumn 5
Stage 4 Core Modules
Stage 4 Options - *A)MIN0OF:
Students should take the dissertation module. However, in certain cases where its not feasible for them to take it, 15 credits should be selected from the Subject Options list below.
MFD30010 Dissertation Spring 15
Stage 4 Options - *A)MIN0OF:
Students should take the dissertation module. However, in certain cases where its not feasible for them to take it, 15 credits should be selected from the Subject Options list below.
Stage 4 Options - A)MIN30CR:
Students must take at least 30 credits in these Option modules. They may take an additional 10 credits here in place of Electives. Note: the 30 credits here may be made up by any combination of 5 or 10 credit modules but must total 30 credits. All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters i.e. 30 credits in Autumn and 30 credits in Spring.
DRAM30320 Performance Across the Globe Autumn 5
FS30220 Wellness & Happiness Media Autumn 10
FS30230 Cinema and the City: New York Autumn 10
FS30250 Feminist Media Studies Autumn 10
FS30270 Irish Horror & Spec Film Autumn 10
FS30320 Punk, Cult and Video Art Autumn 10
MUS31170 African-American Religious Mus Autumn 10
MUS31460 New Ideas in Musicology Autumn 5
MUS31470 Techniques of Composition Autumn 10
MUS31480 Music and Western Empires Autumn 10
MUS31180 Issues in Music, Sound and the Moving Image Autumn and Spring (separate) 10
DRAM30100 Contemporary Theatre & Performance Spring 5
DRAM30200 Queer and Trans* Theatre and Performance Spring 10
DRAM30300 Directing for the Stage Spring 5
ENG32130 Irish Gothic Spring 10
ENG32300 Making Shakespeare Spring 5
FS30170 Whiteness, Ethnicity & American Film Spring 10
FS30180 Alternative&Independent Cinema Spring 10
FS30190 Animation Spring 10
FS30280 Gender Activism and the Global South Spring 10
FS30300 Chick Flicks: Women and Hollywood Storytelling Spring 10
FS30310 Beyoncé and Tay: The Intersections of Race, Gender, and Celebrity Spring 10
MUS31280 The Symphony in Europe Spring 10
MUS31330 Post-Truth, Politics & Music Spring 5
MUS31490 Music and Sexuality in Early European Musical Cultures Spring 10
Stage 4 Options - A)MIN30CR:
Students must take at least 30 credits in these Option modules. They may take an additional 10 credits here in place of Electives. Note: the 30 credits here may be made up by any combination of 5 or 10 credit modules but must total 30 credits. All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters i.e. 30 credits in Autumn and 30 credits in Spring.
Stage 4 Options - C)MIN0CR:
You may choose two of these as electives if you wish. Please note some performance modules are by AUDITION ONLY. Do not register to these modules until AFTER you have passed your audition.
MUS20320 UCD Philharmonic Choir Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20510 UCD Choral Scholars Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20530 UCD Symphony Orchestra Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20590 UCD Gamelan Ensemble Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20670 UCD Composition Ensemble Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20980 Irish Traditional Music Practices Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20880 Techniques of Songwriting Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
MUS20330 UCD Philharmonic Choir Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20520 UCD Choral Scholars Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20540 UCD Symphony Orchestra Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20600 UCD Gamelan Ensemble Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20680 UCD Composition Ensemble Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20990 Irish Traditional Music Practices Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - C)MIN0CR:
You may choose two of these as electives if you wish. Please note some performance modules are by AUDITION ONLY. Do not register to these modules until AFTER you have passed your audition.
Stage 4 Options - D)MIN0OF:
This is an elective substitution module. You may select this module instead of one of your elective modules.
HUM30050 Writing for Life: employability skills for arts and humanities students Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - D)MIN0OF:
This is an elective substitution module. You may select this module instead of one of your elective modules.
See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info  
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
BHACS024 Stage 4 - 50.00%
Stage 3 - 30.00%
Stage 2 - 20.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2






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