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BComm (NFQ Level 8)
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(BCIT) is a multi-disciplinary Business degree incorporating intercultural competencies and linguistic knowledge, which promote creativity and comprehension of a rapidly evolving world. Students pursue a major in business alongside a minor in a chosen language.

This programme combines a flexible business education from Ireland’s leading business school with the linguistic skills and multicultural insights required to succeed in the exciting world of international business.

About This Course

(BCIT) is a multi-disciplinary Business degree incorporating intercultural competencies and linguistic knowledge, which promote creativity and comprehension of a rapidly evolving world. Students pursue a major in business alongside a minor in a chosen language.

This programme combines a flexible business education from Ireland’s leading business school with the linguistic skills and multicultural insights required to succeed in the exciting world of international business.

Students gain a deep knowledge of the principles of business and develop the necessary skills to understand and apply these in the business world.

To achieve a truly global perspective of business, it is necessary to not just learn the vocabulary of your chosen language, but to immerse yourself in the culture and develop an intercultural mindset. BCIT students will take a range of literature and culture modules from the UCD School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics (approximately 40% of curriculum).

Students are brought to a high level of language proficiency and cultural sensitivity, which enables them to live abroad for a year and to study business through their chosen language during year 3. This immersive experience, though a demanding challenge, significantly enhances intercultural competencies. These competencies are strongly linked to innovative thinking and creative performance, ultimately increasing employability skills. For students, it is a real highlight of their university experience.

On applying, students will select two languages to study, choosing from Chinese, French, German, Italian or Spanish. With the exception of French, you will have the opportunity to study these languages from beginner level. At the end of the first trimester, students choose one language to pursue as their language minor for the remainder of the course.

First Year

Financial Accounting • Microeconomics for Business • Maths for Business • Inside Organisations • Foundations of Management • Business in Society • Data Analysis • 4 x Language & Culture/ Literature modules

Second Year

Management Accounting • Marketing • Human Resources • Studies in Global Operations • Principles of Finance • Digital Technologies • 5 x Language & Culture/Literature modules. Some examples of culture and literature modules currently on offer include French New Wave Cinema, Surrealism in Spain and Mexico, Grimm’ Tales and Adaptations, Italian Cinema and Society.

Third Year

International Study Abroad This mandatory year studying abroad is an integral part of the BCIT course. You will spend the year studying at one of our highly regarded international business school partners. With the European language minors, you will study business modules through the chosen language for the year, while the Chinese minor involves one trimester studying Chinese language and a second trimester studying business through English. In third year, you will also have an opportunity to participate in the BCIT summer internship module for academic credit.

Fourth Year

In final year, students will continue with language and culture/literature studies in addition to business modules. Students have the flexibility to tailor their business module choices to a specific business area of interest if they wish such as Accountancy, Management, Marketing, Banking and Finance, Management Information Systems or Human Resource Management.

Business Mentoring Programme

In second year, students can participate in a personalised mentorship programme gaining industry knowledge, advice and support from the business alumni community.

To achieve a truly global perspective of business, it is necessary to not just learn the vocabulary of your chosen language, but to immerse yourself in the culture and develop an intercultural mindset.

Stage 3 is a mandatory year abroad and is an integral part of the BCIT course. You will spend the year studying at one of our highly regarded international business school partners. With the European language minors, you will study business modules through the chosen language for the year, while the Chinese minor involves one trimester studying Chinese language and a second trimester studying business through English.

The focus on multicultural competencies gives BCIT graduates a unique competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Many different career paths are available, and students who can combine an international language with a business qualification are highly employable graduates for multinational companies.

BComm International graduates find employment in the private, public and not-for-profit or NGO sectors, or set up their own companies with many different career paths available.

BCIT Students have the option to complete a summer internship for academic credit. The 5-credit business summer internship module allows students to gain credit for professional workplace experience. The aim of the module is to provide students with the opportunity to reflect on and develop their personal and professional skills and gain an understanding of how theory presented in modules translates into practice. Students have the option to complete their summer internship in Ireland or in their host country after their year abroad. Completing an internship not only allows students to develop their professional & personal skills but also helps to inform their career decision-making and enhance their employability.

UCD Lochlann Quinn School of Business

Tel: +353 1 716 4833
e. quinnschool@ucd.ie

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
BMGT10170 Inside Organisations Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
BMGT10200 Foundations of Management Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
HRM10730 Business in Society Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
MATH10030 Mathematics for Business Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
ACC10040 Financial Accounting 1 Spring  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
ECON10720 Microeconomics for Business Spring  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
MIS10090 Data Analysis for Decision Makers Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 0 of:
SPRING ELECTIVE MODULE: You may choose a module from the list below or a General Elective from the Electives tab in the January Registration period. Registration to Electives/Options during Autumn registration is not permitted. Registration to an Option/Elective in Autumn will be automatically dropped from your record.
BMGT10140 Business Plan Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 0 of:
SPRING ELECTIVE MODULE: You may choose a module from the list below or a General Elective from the Electives tab in the January Registration period. Registration to Electives/Options during Autumn registration is not permitted. Registration to an Option/Elective in Autumn will be automatically dropped from your record.
BMGT10130 Mastering University Learning - a skill based approach Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 0 of:
SPRING ELECTIVE MODULE: You may choose a module from the list below or a General Elective from the Electives tab in the January Registration period. Registration to Electives/Options during Autumn registration is not permitted. Registration to an Option/Elective in Autumn will be automatically dropped from your record.
BMGT10150 Project Management Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 0 of:
SPRING ELECTIVE MODULE: You may choose a module from the list below or a General Elective from the Electives tab in the January Registration period. Registration to Electives/Options during Autumn registration is not permitted. Registration to an Option/Elective in Autumn will be automatically dropped from your record.
BMGT20080 Consulting with NGOs Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 0 of:
SPRING ELECTIVE MODULE: You may choose a module from the list below or a General Elective from the Electives tab in the January Registration period. Registration to Electives/Options during Autumn registration is not permitted. Registration to an Option/Elective in Autumn will be automatically dropped from your record.
BMGT20100 Developing Future Leaders Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 0 of:
SPRING ELECTIVE MODULE: You may choose a module from the list below or a General Elective from the Electives tab in the January Registration period. Registration to Electives/Options during Autumn registration is not permitted. Registration to an Option/Elective in Autumn will be automatically dropped from your record.
BMGT20130 Managing Business Ethics Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 0 of:
SPRING ELECTIVE MODULE: You may choose a module from the list below or a General Elective from the Electives tab in the January Registration period. Registration to Electives/Options during Autumn registration is not permitted. Registration to an Option/Elective in Autumn will be automatically dropped from your record.
BMGT20190 Introduction to Negotiations Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 0 of:
SPRING ELECTIVE MODULE: You may choose a module from the list below or a General Elective from the Electives tab in the January Registration period. Registration to Electives/Options during Autumn registration is not permitted. Registration to an Option/Elective in Autumn will be automatically dropped from your record.
MIS10040 Web Design and Analytics Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - Subject/Streams
CNC1 Chinese  
Stage 1 Options - Subject/Streams
ELC5 Spanish  
Stage 1 Options - Subject/Streams
FRC3 French  
Stage 1 Options - Subject/Streams
GRC3 German  
Stage 1 Options - Subject/Streams
ITC3 Italian  
Stage 2 Core Modules
FIN20010 Principles of Finance Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
HRM30120 People at Work Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
MKT20020 Marketing: Firms, Customers & Society Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
ACC20020 Management Accounting Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
BMGT20200 Studies in Global Operations Spring  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
MIS10050 Digital Technologies in Business Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ACC20010 Financial Accounting 2 Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ACC20050 Sustainability Reporting and Analysis Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT20220 High-tech Entrepreneurship Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
LAW10400 Business Law 1: Transactions, Negotiations and Organisations Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MIS20070 Digital Society Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT10140 Business Plan Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT20050 Business Across Borders Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ACC20040 Business, Media & Corporate Communications Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT10150 Project Management Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT20080 Consulting with NGOs Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT20100 Developing Future Leaders Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT20130 Managing Business Ethics Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT20160 Business and Social Enterprise Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT20180 Wellbeing and Work Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT20190 Introduction to Negotiations Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT20210 Business and the European Union Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MATH20320 Quantitative Methods in Business Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MIS10040 Web Design and Analytics Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MIS20010 Business Analytics Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MIS20040 Digital Business and Social Media Strategy Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MIS20060 Inside the Modern Crypto Industry Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MIS20090 Design Thinking Spring  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
BMGT30420 Understanding the Host country Year-long (12 months)  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
BMGT30300 Business Strategy Autumn  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
BMGT30340 New Venture Creation & Development Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ACC20010 Financial Accounting 2 Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ACC30010 Tax in Society Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ACC30030 Cost Management Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ACC30050 Corporate Governance, Company Law and Labour Law Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT30100 Leadership and Change Management Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT30330 Governing International Trade, Finance, Climate and the Internet Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT30430 Doing Business in the Global South Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ECON30270 Behavioural Economics and Public Policy Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ECON30290 Advanced Microeconomics Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
FIN30030 International Financial Management Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
FIN30170 Corporate Financial Management Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
FIN30200 Econometrics of Financial Markets Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
HRM30020 European IR and HRM Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MIS30150 Strategic Decision Making in the Digital World Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MKT30040 Consumer Psychology Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MKT30050 Consumer Insight: Research and Data Planning Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MKT30060 Building Effective Marketing Plans Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MKT30150 Responsible Marketing Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MKT30170 Brand Management Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT30440 Cultural Intelligence in Management Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ECON30130 Econometrics: Applying Statistics to Economic Data Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MKT30140 Consultative Selling and Negotiations Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ACC30020 Financial Accounting 3 Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ACC30060 Financial Statement Analysis Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT30090 Entrepreneurship in Action Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT30130 Global Industry Analysis Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT30220 Supply Chain Management Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT30290 Developing International Market Entry Strategies Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT30350 The Human Side of Innovation Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
BMGT30450 Groups and Teams Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ECON30160 International Trade Economics Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ECON30170 Intermediate Financial Economics Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
ECON30190 Public Economics: Government Spending, Taxation and Public Choice Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
FIN30080 Financial Institution Management Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
FIN30090 Treasury and Risk Management Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
FIN30100 Investment and Portfolio Management Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
FIN30190 Behavioural Finance Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
HRM30010 Human Resource Management Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
HRM30060 An Introduction to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
HRM30140 Climate Change & Business Sustainability Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MIS30010 Decision Analytics Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MIS30070 Digital Innovation: Managing and working in the Information Age Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MKT30080 Global Marketing Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MKT30090 Marketing Communications: Content and Campaigns in the Digital Age Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 4 of:
Students must choose at least 4 option modules from the below list. Ensure that you have selected your Core Business and Core Language Modules before selecting your Option modules. You may select an additional Option module(s) from this list or the list below as your Elective module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab.
MKT30120 Digital Marketing Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
ACC20050 Sustainability Reporting and Analysis Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
BMGT20220 High-tech Entrepreneurship Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
ECON20060 Irish Economy: Policy Making in a Global Context Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
LAW10400 Business Law 1: Transactions, Negotiations and Organisations Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
BMGT10140 Business Plan Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
BMGT20050 Business Across Borders Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
ACC20040 Business, Media & Corporate Communications Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
BMGT10150 Project Management Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
BMGT20080 Consulting with NGOs Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
BMGT20100 Developing Future Leaders Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
BMGT20160 Business and Social Enterprise Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
BMGT20180 Wellbeing and Work Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
BMGT20190 Introduction to Negotiations Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
BMGT20210 Business and the European Union Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
ECON20100 Game Theory Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
ECON20130 Economic History: From the Middle Ages to the Second World War Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
MATH20320 Quantitative Methods in Business Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
MIS10040 Web Design and Analytics Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
MIS20010 Business Analytics Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
MIS20060 Inside the Modern Crypto Industry Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0 of:
ELECTIVE MODULES: You may choose a module from the list below as your Elective Module(s). General Elective modules can also be chosen on the Electives tab. The modules below do not count towards your minimum 4 Level 3 Option modules required for programme compliance.
MIS20090 Design Thinking Spring  5



As part of the curriculum, students are engaged with issues related to sustainability in all of its many facets, including responsible leadership, responsible consumption and production, climate action, and inclusive business practices. As educators, we believe in the value of exposing our students to a variety of perspectives on the role of business in society and equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to tackle even the most intractable problems. Our programmes seek to develop informed and imaginative leaders that are mindful of responsible and sustainable business objectives and practices and embrace the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the curriculum.

  • Quality education: Promote inclusive and equal opportunities for lifelong learning (SDG4)
  • Gender equality: Promote gender equality and empower all women and young girls (SDG5)
  • Decent work and economic growth: Promote sustained and inclusive economic growth and employment for all (SDG8)    
  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure: Build strong infrastructure and sustained industrialisation (SDG9)
  • Reduced inequalities: Reduced inequality in all countries (SDG10)            
  • Sustainable cities and communities: Make all settlements inclusive and safe (SDG11)     
  • Responsible consumption and production: Ensure suitable consumption and production patterns (SDG12)            

Studying Commerce International with Chinese has significantly enhanced my understanding of the nuanced global world. This course has afforded me the opportunity to blend insights from both the business realm, with the opportunity of completing internships with KPMG and a year-long exchange in Hong Kong. My study abroad experience stands out as one of the most enriching periods of my university journey. It has instilled me with a profound cross-cultural perspective and experiences that will undoubtedly propel me forward in my future career. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to engage in the global business world, connecting with another culture and acquiring a new language.

Grace Odunlami

The programme captivated me due to its promise of delving into business from a worldwide vantage point. UCD Quinn provided not only education but also a launchpad for my personal and professional growth. 

The Commerce International programme gave me a profound grasp of intricate global business dynamics. While learning Chinese within a business context was demanding, the rewards were immeasurable.

Amy Jafari, Bachelor of Commerce International

Non-EU Undergraduate Fee information can be found here.

UCD offers a number of competitive undergraduate scholarships for full-time, self-funding international students, holding an offer of a place on a UCD undergraduate degree programme. For information on Undergraduate Scholarships, please see the UCD International Scholarships webpage.

French if Chosen A Level C

General application route(s) for Irish/UK/EU applicants* for International (non-EU) applicants* to Commerce International:

Commerce International

Commencing September 2025
Undergraduate Degree (Non EU)
Non EU Undergraduates
Commerce International

Commencing September 2025
Application through CAO
* you can change options at the top of the page