BSc Sustainability with Social Sciences, Policy & Law (STS3)

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The BSc in Sustainability is an innovative undergraduate degree that aims to equip its graduates with the interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to address sustainability challenges by combining environmental, social and economic perspectives. After a common first year, each student will retain an interdisciplinary perspective throughout their degree, but will elect to focus on:

Sustainability with Environmental Science OR Sustainability with Social Sciences, Policy and Law OR Sustainability with Business and Economics

The programme is based on the following principles:

  • Interdisciplinarity – in-depth knowledge within a core or focal discipline, complemented by a range of perspectives and skills from others. Specific modules and activities to foster an interdisciplinary approach and outlook.

  • Flexibility – capacity to choose between broad areas, core disciplines and combinations of modules.

  • Applicability and employability – grounding in the real-world application and uptake of new ideas, innovations and policies and the processes by which this occurs.

  • A global perspective – the programme reflects UCD’s global outlook and the need for international partnership in addressing global environmental challenges.

1 - articulate clear awareness and understanding of critical global sustainability challenges
2 - critically discuss evolving theory, concepts, policy and the ethics and values of sustainability
3 - apply a holistic, interdisciplinary and practical approach to sustainability
4 - demonstrate competence in a range of research and analytical methodologies
5 - deploy well-developed critical and intellectual skills in innovative and creative approaches to unfamiliar or dynamic contexts and problems
6 - exhibit the knowledge and skills needed to develop a career in sustainability and environmental management, including communication, project planning, project management and interdisciplinary teamwork skills
7 - become engaged, solution-focussed global citizens with capacity for lifelong learning
Students’ performance will be reviewed at the end of the academic year. Students who fail 50% or more of their registered modules, and who fail to progress to the next stage of their programme, will be identified under the UCD Continuation – Academic progress policy. Students’ performance will continue to be reviewed in subsequent trimesters and students will be invited to meetings with the College of Science office for support and guidance.

Where the rate of progression and performance over two academic years is deemed unacceptable, a case will be submitted to the Governing Board for review. A recommendation for discontinuation may be the outcome of this review.

As Stages 3 and 4 have the most dynamic components of the programme, and the material studied previously may no longer be relevant, a student who has been away from the programme for a significant period should be required to register again to Stage 3. The upper limit for completion of Stages 3 and 4 should be six years if they choose to do 120 credits with 20 in each year.
You may apply to study abroad for the Spring trimester of Stage 3.
The BSc Sustainability has a range of universities within and outside Europe that it currently partners with to offer students exchange opportunities.
Please visit the UCD Global Exchanges page here to find further information about the application process.
Graduates will enjoy careers as consultants, managers and advisers in large organisations and private businesses. An interdisciplinary education in sustainability theory, policy and practise will equip you to work in areas such as renewables, clean technology management and energy efficiency, or advise industries on social and environmental strategies. Many opportunities also exist in international organisations such as the UN, the European Environment Agency and the European Commission, government departments and state agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Parks and Wildlife Service and in local authorities and Non-Governmental Organisations.
Kirsten Southard
Programme Manager, BSc Sustainability
UCD Science Office
Room E1.09, O'Brien Centre for Science
Belfield, Dublin 4
Stage 2

Students must take 50 credits of programme (core/option) modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.

Stage 3

Students must take 50 credits of programme (core/option) modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules. Students must ensure by the end of their degree that they have at least 100 credits from Level 2 and above, of which at least 40 credits must be Level 3 and above. It is important to bear this in mind while choosing options and/or electives in Stages 3 and 4.

Stage 4

Students must take 60 credits of programme (core/option) modules. Students must ensure by the end of their degree that they have completed at least 100 credits from Level 2 and above, of which at least 40 credits must be Level 3 and above. It is important to bear this in mind while choosing option modules in Stage 4.

Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remaining credits must be selected from Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.

GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 2 Core Modules
GEOG20230 Intro: GIS for Sustainability Autumn 5
SUST20010 Sustainability: Research Tools Autumn 5
ECON10010 Principles of Microeconomics Spring 5
EDUC10220 Education for a sustainable future Spring 5
SUST20020 Careers, Communication and Innovation in Sustainability Spring 5
Stage 2 Core Modules
Stage 2 Options - A)1OF:
All students must take either CHEM00010 or CHEM10050. Students must take CHEM00010 if they did not complete Leaving Cert Chemistry or if their LC Chemistry grade is lower than H5/O1. Students who achieved H5/O1 or higher in LC Chemistry should take CHEM10050. Students who completed CHEM10050 in Stage 1 should contact to register for an additional option module.
CHEM00010 Introductory Chemistry Autumn 5
CHEM10050 Basis of Organic and Biological Chemistry Spring 5
Stage 2 Options - A)1OF:
All students must take either CHEM00010 or CHEM10050. Students must take CHEM00010 if they did not complete Leaving Cert Chemistry or if their LC Chemistry grade is lower than H5/O1. Students who achieved H5/O1 or higher in LC Chemistry should take CHEM10050. Students who completed CHEM10050 in Stage 1 should contact to register for an additional option module.
Stage 2 Options - C)MIN20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
AESC10010 Land Use and the Environment Autumn 5
ARCH20510 Archaeology of Landscapes Autumn 5
ARCH20570 Cultural Heritage Autumn 5
CSOC10010 Introduction to Computational Social Science Autumn 5
CSOC20010 Applied Computational Social Science Autumn 5
GEOG20170 Global Historical Geographies Autumn 5
SOC20260 Quantitative Research Methods Autumn 5
SPOL28160 Enviro, Soc & Human Wellbeing Autumn 5
SSJ20140 Human Rights & Social Justice Autumn 5
DEV20130 Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Spring 5
GEOG20130 Cities in a Global World Spring 5
LAW10450 Law and Courts Spring 5
SOC10070 Sociological Analysis and Research Design Spring 5
SOC20320 Qualitative Research Methods Spring 5
SOC20360 Sociology of the Environment Spring 5
Stage 2 Options - C)MIN20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
Stage 3 Core Modules
SUST30020 Sustainability in Action(SUST) Autumn 5
ENVB20050 Principles of Environmental Biology & Ecology Spring 5
MKT10720 Marketing: An Introduction Spring 5
SPOL30220 Social Policy, Social Justice and the Environment Spring 5
Stage 3 Core Modules
Stage 3 Options - A)MIN30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
ENVP30010 Environmental Management Autumn 5
GEOG20170 Global Historical Geographies Autumn 5
GEOG30820 Development Geographies Autumn 5
GEOG31100 Fortress Europe and the Global War on Migrants Autumn 5
LAW30440 Environmental Law and Policy Autumn 5
SOC20260 Quantitative Research Methods Autumn 5
SOC30560 Global Inequalities Autumn 5
SOC30740 Sociology of climate change Autumn 5
SPOL28160 Enviro, Soc & Human Wellbeing Autumn 5
SSCI30050 Digital Research Skills for the Social Sciences Autumn 5
GEOG30940 Global Risks and Resilience Spring 5
PHIL20240 Applied Ethics Spring 5
SOC20320 Qualitative Research Methods Spring 5
SOC20330 Sociology of Peace, Conflict & Justice Spring 5
SPOL38270 Gender Inequality & Soc Pol Spring 5
SSJ20150 Political Economy & Social Justice Spring 5
SSJ20170 Space, Place & Social Change Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - A)MIN30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
Stage 4 Core Modules
ENVP30030 Climate Policy and Politics Autumn 5
SUST40050 Interdisciplinary Project Autumn 10
GEOG30840 The Urban Environment Spring 5
Stage 4 Core Modules
Stage 4 Options - B)MIN5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
ECON20010 Intermediate Microeconomics I Autumn 5
ECON20060 Irish Economy: Policy Making in a Global Context Autumn 5
ECON20080 Economic Policy Analysis Autumn 5
ECON30610 Economics of Natural Resources Autumn 5
BMGT20050 Business Across Borders Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
ECON20040 Statistics for Economists Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
BMGT20080 Consulting with NGOs Spring 5
BMGT20100 Developing Future Leaders Spring 5
BMGT20130 Managing Business Ethics Spring 5
BMGT20150 Sustainable Operations & Supply Chain Management Spring 5
BMGT20160 Business and Social Enterprise Spring 5
BMGT20210 Business and the European Union Spring 5
ECON10020 Principles of Macroeconomics Spring 5
ECON20120 The Economics of the European Union: Institutions, Policies and Crises Spring 5
ECON20130 Economic History: From the Middle Ages to the Second World War Spring 5
ECON20160 Economics of the Environment Spring 5
ECON20180 Intermediate Microeconomics II Spring 5
ECON30500 Field Experiments Social Sci Spring 5
ECON30600 Economics of Climate Change Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - B)MIN5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
Stage 4 Options - C)MIN5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Environmental Sciences or Business & Economics option lists.
GEOG30860 Environmental Assessment Autumn 5
GEOL40450 Environmental Geoscience Autumn 5
GEOL20110 Global Environmental Change Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
BSEN40110 Advanced Air Pollution Spring 10
FOR20110 Forests, Climate and Carbon Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - C)MIN5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Environmental Sciences or Business & Economics option lists.
Stage 4 Options - D)MIN15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules. GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
ENVP30010 Environmental Management Autumn 5
GEOG30370 River Catchment Management Autumn 5
GEOG30820 Development Geographies Autumn 5
GEOG30860 Environmental Assessment Autumn 5
GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship Autumn 10
LAW30470 International Human Rights Law Autumn 5
PLAN30010 Transport, Environment & Sustainability Autumn 5
SSJ38260 Social justice and the city Autumn 10
ENVP40020 European Environmental Policy Spring 5
GEOG30940 Global Risks and Resilience Spring 5
GEOG40750 Reimagining Dublin: An Interdisciplinary Exploration in Urban Regeneration Spring 5
LAW41090 Climate Change Law and Policy Spring 10
SPOL38270 Gender Inequality & Soc Pol Spring 5
SPOL40450 Evidence-Based Policy Making Spring 10
SPOL41120 Sustainable Futures and Public Policy Spring 10
SSJ38250 Social Justice Movements Spring 10
Stage 4 Options - D)MIN15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules. GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info  
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
BHSCI016 Stage 4 - 50.00%
Stage 3 - 50.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2






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