Archaeology, Geography & History (LSS2)

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The BSc Archaeology, Geography and History provides a unique interdisciplinary combination of natural and cultural perspectives on the formation, cultural significance and management of the landscape. Students will bring together the disciplinary skills of archaeology, geography and history whilst developing their understandings of how the landscape shapes humans at the same time as humans shape the landscape. The programme is based in the classroom, field, laboratory and archives, and combines the archival strengths of history, the spatial expertise of geography, and the material analytical approaches of archaeology. The programme will utilise Irish case studies in international perspective. This programme has clear links to the rapidly expanding heritage sector and students will be trained in a range of scientific, social scientific and humanities methodologies.

This is an innovative and relevant degree programme that aims to challenge students to grow as independent learners and researchers. Across our schools, we provide a learning environment that supports and encourages the development of a range of knowledges, skills and attitudes. We encourage students to be engaged, analytical and reflective through the use of independent reading, critical thinking, real-world examples, case studies, fieldwork and practical projects.

1 - Possess knowledge, and demonstrate understanding, of the relationship between landscape and society
2 - Have a detailed knowledge of the character and formation of Ireland’s internationally-renowned landscape in comparative global context
3 - Develop discipline specific skills including competencies in fieldwork, cartography, spatial analysis, laboratory analyses, archival research and application of digital technologies;
4 - Gather, evaluate and interpret data, transforming this into knowledge by locating it within its interdisciplinary context
5 - Communicate effectively through written, visual and oral media to specialist and non-specialist audiences both within and beyond the classroom
6 - Be an inquisitive, flexible and creative thinker with an ability to apply knowledge and skills to a range of contexts
7 - Develop into engaged and responsible global citizens that understand and apply principles of ethical practice
Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 4 Core Modules
ARCH30700 Research Project Preparation Autumn 5
ARCH30850 Research Project Spring 15
Stage 4 Core Modules
Stage 4 Options - A)MIN1OF:
Please ensure that you register to a minimum of 10 credits from the options list below. Please note that there are 5 and 10 credit modules available.
HIS31250 Old Germany Autumn 10
HIS31320 The Irish Revolution, 1910-1923 Autumn 10
HIS31860 Slavery and the New World Autumn 10
HIS32380 Genocide & Mass Violence in the Twentieth Century Autumn 5
HIS32730 The Digital Humanities Autumn 10
HIS32860 Jilted Lovers, Giants, Yahoos and Cannibals: Jonathan Swift's Ireland, 1685-1745 Autumn 10
HIS32900 Questions in History Autumn 5
HIS32950 Weimar Germany Autumn 10
HIS32970 The 1641 Rebellion Autumn 10
HIS33010 Global History before AD 1000 Autumn 10
HIS32620 International Relations in the Asia Pacific, 1890s-1950s Autumn and Spring (separate) 10
HIS32710 Manufacturing Truth in the Modern World Autumn and Spring (separate) 10
HIS31280 Rise, Fall, Rise of Modern Japan Spring 10
HIS31310 Madness and Civilisation Spring 10
HIS31400 British Atlantic History, 1607-1776 Spring 10
HIS31510 Religion & Society in Independent Ireland, 1922-1968 Spring 10
HIS31760 Irish Foreign Policy, 1919-73: A Place Among the Nations Spring 10
HIS31900 Roads to Heaven & Hell Spring 10
HIS32310 Revolutionary Russia, 1905-1921 Spring 5
HIS32330 A History of Decadence: Sex, Spectacle and Corruption in Eighteenth-Century Venice Spring 10
HIS32460 Conquering Ireland, 1579-1691 Spring 5
HIS32540 Women, War and Irish Society 1914-1923 Spring 10
HIS32720 Frontiers of Empire Spring 10
HIS32940 Devolution, Dominion, Democracy: Ireland's constitutional history north and south, 1870-2007 Spring 10
HIS32990 1942: The World at War Spring 10
HIS33000 Political Violence in Ireland Spring 10
Stage 4 Options - A)MIN1OF:
Please ensure that you register to a minimum of 10 credits from the options list below. Please note that there are 5 and 10 credit modules available.
Stage 4 Options - B)MIN1OF:
Please ensure that you register to a minimum of 10 credits from the options list below. Please note that there are 5 and 10 credit modules available.
ARCH20570 Cultural Heritage Autumn 5
ARCH20610 Historical Archaeology Autumn 5
ARCH30170 Combat Archaeology Autumn 5
ARCH30920 Communicating Archaeology Autumn 5
ARCH20500 Archaeology of Things Spring 5
ARCH20600 Archaeological Science Spring 5
ARCH20620 People in Prehistory: key themes and problems Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - B)MIN1OF:
Please ensure that you register to a minimum of 10 credits from the options list below. Please note that there are 5 and 10 credit modules available.
Stage 4 Options - C)MIN2OF:
Please ensure that you register to a minimum of 10 credits from the options list below.
GEOG30240 Political Geography of European Integration Autumn 5
GEOG30370 River Catchment Management Autumn 5
GEOG30790 Planetary Geomorphology Autumn 5
GEOG30820 Development Geographies Autumn 5
GEOG31070 Social Geography Autumn 5
GEOG31080 Far-right, Hate and Political Polarisation Autumn 5
GEOG31100 Fortress Europe and the Global War on Migrants Autumn 5
GEOG30020 Historical Geography of Ireland Spring 5
GEOG30780 Quaternary Environmental Change in Ireland Spring 5
GEOG30840 The Urban Environment Spring 5
GEOG30880 Applied GIS Spring 5
GEOG30900 Overseas Fieldwork Spring 10
GEOG30940 Global Risks and Resilience Spring 5
GEOG31060 Population Geography Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - C)MIN2OF:
Please ensure that you register to a minimum of 10 credits from the options list below.
See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info  
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
BHSOC010 Stage 4 - 50.00%
Stage 3 - 30.00%
Stage 2 - 20.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2






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