Data Science and AI for Competitive Manufacturing is a combination of manufacturing science and Information and communication technology including the usage and adoption of advanced digital solutions and platforms. During the programme, students will gain new skills in relevant fields including modelling and simulation of production systems, manufacturing engineering, service and system engineering, machine learning and data mining.
A student who graduates from the ME Manufacturing Engineering with “Data Science and AI for Competitive Manufacturing” major shall:
- have broad knowledge of theories and concepts in information system management, digital monitoring, digital security.
- be able to implement the gained expertise in data science and AI to create new or improved digital manufacturing systems and services;
- be able to critically, independently and creatively participate in strategic work to meet manufacturing-related problems and to be able to relate these measures to sustainable social development,
- be able to think beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries to find innovative solutions to real-world problems and to come up with new ideas applicable to Data science, AI and manufacturing;
- be able to draw up plans and to make decisions foreseeing future consequences from a scientific, ethical, and societal perspective;
- be able to turn innovations in the area into feasible and successful business solutions;
- be able to profitably work in small size teams and contexts by taking into account all relevant elements and showing effective decision-making and leadership abilities.