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Classics, Art History & Archaeology

BA (NFQ Level 8)
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If you are interested in understanding the visual, material and textual remains of societies from prehistory to the present, this unique interdisciplinary course is for you. You will learn to evaluate and interpret evidence and to present your ideas, while developing a greater understanding of the ancient world and of how the past has shaped the present.

About This Course

If you are interested in understanding the visual, material and textual remains of societies from prehistory to the present, this unique interdisciplinary course is for you. You will learn to evaluate and interpret evidence and to present your ideas, while developing a greater understanding of the ancient world and of how the past has shaped the present.

Classics is the study of the history, literature, and material culture of the Greek and Roman Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity. It has inspired art, architecture, literature, politics, and science, and is central to understanding modern European society and thought.

Art History allows us to see and think in-depth about our visual world, from the great artworks of different ages to contemporary culture. It includes studies of style, social context, and conceptual analysis.

Archaeology is the investigation of societies through their material remains, from the distant past to the modern world. It enables us to trace the astonishing diversity of human culture, across the world and through time.

First Year

You will take an interdisciplinary core module based in the UCD Classical Museum and choose from the full range of Classics, Art History and Archaeology modules, such as: Classical Greece • Lost Cities of the Ancient World • Classical Myth • Exploring Archaeology • Making the Past • Archaeology of Ireland • Antiquity to High Renaissance • Late Renaissance to Romanticism • The Modern World

Second Year

You will take an interdisciplinary core module based in UCD Special Collections and choose a range of modules across the three subjects, such as: Early Roman Empire • Greeks, Romans & Barbarians • Alexander & his Successors • Archaeological Science • Cultural Heritage • Archaeology of Landscapes • Early Islamic Art & Architecture • Medieval Art and Architecture • History of Photography

Third Year

Choose from a range of options that will broaden your horizons and enrich your academic experience: • Apply for a competitive internship in an area that interests you and/or relates to your area of study • Study abroad for a trimester/year to develop your language skills and immerse yourself in a new culture • Deepen your knowledge by studying a dedicated range of Classics, Art History, and Archaeology modules or pick from other recommended subjects like philosophy, business, information studies and innovation

Fourth Year

You will take core modules Communicating Archaeology and Writings on Art, and will select from the full range of other Classics, Art History and Archaeology modules. You also have the option to produce a dissertation.

Students will have access to both EU and non-EU destinations through a suite of programmes including Erasmus, Erasmus+ and the study abroad and partnership arrangements that UCD has with universities across the globe.

Graduates have specific skills that prepare them for careers in archaeology, museums, art galleries, cultural heritage and education, as well as transferable skills like communication and analysis that are valued across a range of sectors such as media, civil service, business, marketing, and research and development.

This course prepares students for graduate study in many areas including: Classics, Art History, Archaeology, History, Anthropology, Cultural Heritage, Education, Archives, Cultural Policy, Arts Management. Graduates are also eligible for MLitt and PhD programmes in Classics, Art History, and Archaeology.

Dr Joanna Day
UCD School of Classics
P. +353 1 716 8476s
e. joanna.day@ucd.ie

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
AH10160 Art History in the Making Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
ARCH10010 Exploring Archaeology Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
GRC10170 Lost Cities of the Ancient World Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
AH10150 The Modern World 1848-1914 Spring  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
ARCH10050 Intro archaeology of Ireland Spring  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
GRC10200 Classical Greece Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A)1 of:
All stage 1 students must choose the pathway module CAHA10020
CAHA10020 Museums and Collections Autumn  10
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Choose ONE Classics option from the list below
You may also choose one extra module from the list below as your Spring Elective Module OR choose a General Elective from the electives tab in the January registration window.
GRC10130 Ancient Rome: An Introduction Autumn  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Choose ONE Classics option from the list below
You may also choose one extra module from the list below as your Spring Elective Module OR choose a General Elective from the electives tab in the January registration window.
GRC10140 Classical Myth: An Introduction Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - C) Min 1 of:
Choose ONE Art History option from the list below
You may also choose one extra module from the list below as your Spring Elective Module OR choose a General Elective from the electives tab in the January registration window
AH10260 An Introduction to European Art 1: Antiquity to High Renaissance Autumn  5
Stage 1 Options - C) Min 1 of:
Choose ONE Art History option from the list below
You may also choose one extra module from the list below as your Spring Elective Module OR choose a General Elective from the electives tab in the January registration window
AH10270 An Introduction to European Art 2: Late Renaissance to Romanticism Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Choose ONE Archaeology option from the list below
You may also choose one extra module from the list below as your Spring Elective Module OR choose a General Elective from the electives tab in the January registration window
ARCH10160 The Human Past Autumn  5
Stage 1 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Choose ONE Archaeology option from the list below
You may also choose one extra module from the list below as your Spring Elective Module OR choose a General Elective from the electives tab in the January registration window
ARCH10150 Anthropology: an introduction Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Choose ONE Archaeology option from the list below
You may also choose one extra module from the list below as your Spring Elective Module OR choose a General Elective from the electives tab in the January registration window
ARCH10170 Making the Past Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Choose ONE Archaeology option from the list below
You may also choose one extra module from the list below as your Spring Elective Module OR choose a General Elective from the electives tab in the January registration window
ARCH10180 Archaeological Field Skills Summer  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
AH20200 The Modern to the Contemporary Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
ARCH20520 How Archaeologists Think: an introduction to archaeological theory Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
GRC20220 Greeks, Romans, and Barbarians Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
AH20230 European Architecture Spring  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
ARCH20500 Archaeology of Things Spring  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
GRC20270 The Athenian Empire Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A)1 of:
All stage 2 students must choose the pathway module HUM20040
HUM20040 Primary Source Research in the Humanities A: Exploring UCD Cultural Heritage Collections Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Classics option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
GRC20010 Alexander and his Successors Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Classics option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
GRC20130 Study Tour of Ancient Greece Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Classics option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
GRC20030 Early Roman Empire Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Classics option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
GRC20300 Women in Ancient Greece Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Art History option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
AH20220 History of Photography Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Art History option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
AH20280 Queer Art Histories Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Art History option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
AH20320 Age of Titian Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Art History option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
AH20250 Early Islamic Art and Architecture Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Art History option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
AH20300 Medieval Art and Architecture: characteristics and influences Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Archaeology option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
ARCH20510 Archaeology of Landscapes Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Archaeology option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
ARCH20570 Cultural Heritage Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Archaeology option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
ARCH20610 Historical Archaeology Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Archaeology option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
ARCH20600 Archaeological Science Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Choose at least ONE Archaeology option from the list below. Remember to balance your workload evenly across trimesters i.e. 30 credits for autumn and 30 credits for spring.
You may also choose extra modules from the list below instead of one or both of your elective modules.
ARCH20620 People in Prehistory: key themes and problems Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - E) Min 0 of:
This is an elective substitution module. You may select this module instead of one of your elective modules. Any students who are considering applying for an internship next year are strongly encouraged to take this module in place on one 5 credit elective.
Students can take ARCH10180 in place of an elective if they were unable to take it in stage 1.
HUM20030 Career Readiness (Humanities) Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - E) Min 0 of:
This is an elective substitution module. You may select this module instead of one of your elective modules. Any students who are considering applying for an internship next year are strongly encouraged to take this module in place on one 5 credit elective.
Students can take ARCH10180 in place of an elective if they were unable to take it in stage 1.
ARCH10180 Archaeological Field Skills Summer  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Archaeology modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
ARCH30500 Experiment Archaeology & Ancient Technologies Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Archaeology modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
ARCH30820 The Archaeology of Collapse Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Archaeology modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
ARCH31010 Human Osteoarchaeology Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Archaeology modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
ARCH31020 Understanding Human Origins Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Archaeology modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
ARCH31000 Archaeology, People and Cultures in Extreme Environments Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Archaeology modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
ARCH31030 Archaeology of Communities Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Classics modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
GRC30080 The Oedipus Myth Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Classics modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
GRC30330 Death and the Afterlife in the Ancient World Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Classics modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
GRC30560 Economies of the Roman Empire Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Classics modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
GRC30070 Family Life in Ancient Greece Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Classics modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
GRC30290 Magic in the Ancient World Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - B1) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Art History modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
AH30590 Woman & Modern Architecture Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - B1) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Art History modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
AH30630 Genre in the Age of Vermeer Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - B1) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Art History modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
AH30540 Georgian Dublin Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - B1) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Art History modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
AH30600 From Constantinople to Istanbul: Art, Faith, Politics Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - B1) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship should choose a minimum of 10 credits from the following Art History modules. Note: full year UCD students can choose more than 10 credits in a subject if they wish.
Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 5 credits from each subject in one trimester up to 30 credits. Note some modules are 5 credits and some are 10 credits.
AH30650 Art/Resistance/Activism Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Only students who participated in the Study Tour in summer 2024 should register to these modules. DO NOT register for this module unless you took part in these over the summer.
GRC20130 Study Tour of Ancient Greece Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0CR:
Stage 3 full-year UCD students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship may take up to a MAXIMUM of 5 credits from the extra subject options below.
HIS21140 History Today Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0CR:
Stage 3 full-year UCD students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship may take up to a MAXIMUM of 5 credits from the extra subject options below.
IA20010 Creative Thinking & Innovation Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0CR:
Stage 3 full-year UCD students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship may take up to a MAXIMUM of 5 credits from the extra subject options below.
IA20090 Design Your Purposeful Life Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0CR:
Stage 3 full-year UCD students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship may take up to a MAXIMUM of 5 credits from the extra subject options below.
BMGT20100 Developing Future Leaders Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0CR:
Stage 3 full-year UCD students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship may take up to a MAXIMUM of 5 credits from the extra subject options below.
IS30380 Digital Storytelling Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0CR:
Stage 3 full-year UCD students who are not on a trimester long exchange or internship may take up to a MAXIMUM of 5 credits from the extra subject options below.
PHIL10070 The First Philosophers Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - F) Min 0 of:
This is an elective substitution module. You may select this module instead of one of your elective modules.
HUM30050 Writing for Life: employability skills for arts and humanities students Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - G) Min 0 of:
These are elective substitution modules. Full year UCD students can use their elective allowance of 10 credits to take one of these Greek or Latin language modules
GRK10090 Greek Language I Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - G) Min 0 of:
These are elective substitution modules. Full year UCD students can use their elective allowance of 10 credits to take one of these Greek or Latin language modules
LAT10090 Beginners' Latin I Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - G) Min 0 of:
These are elective substitution modules. Full year UCD students can use their elective allowance of 10 credits to take one of these Greek or Latin language modules
GRK10100 Greek Language II Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - G) Min 0 of:
These are elective substitution modules. Full year UCD students can use their elective allowance of 10 credits to take one of these Greek or Latin language modules
LAT10100 Beginners' Latin II Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - H) Min 0 of:
Students who have been offered a College sourced internship, or self-sourced their own internship with approval from the Programme Board should register to the internship module in the appropriate trimester.
HUM30020 Internship-Autumn (Humanities) Autumn  30
Stage 3 Options - H) Min 0 of:
Students who have been offered a College sourced internship, or self-sourced their own internship with approval from the Programme Board should register to the internship module in the appropriate trimester.
HUM30030 Internship- Spring (Humanities) Spring  30
Stage 4 Core Modules
AH30010 Writings on Art Autumn  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
ARCH30920 Communicating Archaeology Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 0 of:
The stage 4 dissertation is optional for all students. However, students who wish to take the 15credit dissertation module must take ARCH30700 Research Project Preparation in the first trimester.
It is recommended that students spread their credit workload evenly between Trimester 1 and Trimester 2 i.e. 30 credits per trimester
ARCH30700 Research Project Preparation Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 0 of:
The stage 4 dissertation is optional for all students. However, students who wish to take the 15credit dissertation module must take ARCH30700 Research Project Preparation in the first trimester.
It is recommended that students spread their credit workload evenly between Trimester 1 and Trimester 2 i.e. 30 credits per trimester
CAHA30010 Dissertation Spring  15
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
AH30590 Woman & Modern Architecture Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
AH30630 Genre in the Age of Vermeer Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
ARCH30500 Experiment Archaeology & Ancient Technologies Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
ARCH30820 The Archaeology of Collapse Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
ARCH31010 Human Osteoarchaeology Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
ARCH31020 Understanding Human Origins Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
GRC30080 The Oedipus Myth Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
GRC30330 Death and the Afterlife in the Ancient World Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
GRC30560 Economies of the Roman Empire Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
AH30540 Georgian Dublin Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
AH30600 From Constantinople to Istanbul: Art, Faith, Politics Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
AH30650 Art/Resistance/Activism Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
ARCH31000 Archaeology, People and Cultures in Extreme Environments Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
ARCH31030 Archaeology of Communities Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
GRC30070 Family Life in Ancient Greece Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
GRC30290 Magic in the Ancient World Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose to take the dissertation option (5credit research preparation plus 15 credit dissertation) must take a minimum of 10 credits from the level 3 options below. Students who do not choose the dissertation module must take a minimum of 30 credits from the level 3 options below. It is very important that you fulfill these requirements to finish your degree.
GRC40320 Making History in Antiquity Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
AH20220 History of Photography Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
AH20280 Queer Art Histories Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
AH20320 Age of Titian Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
ARCH20510 Archaeology of Landscapes Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
ARCH20570 Cultural Heritage Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
ARCH20610 Historical Archaeology Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
GRC20010 Alexander and his Successors Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
GRC20130 Study Tour of Ancient Greece Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
GRC20240 Piracy in World History Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
AH20250 Early Islamic Art and Architecture Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
AH20300 Medieval Art and Architecture: characteristics and influences Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
ARCH20600 Archaeological Science Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
ARCH20620 People in Prehistory: key themes and problems Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
GRC20030 Early Roman Empire Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 0CR:
You may take a MAXIMUM of 10 credits only from the level 2 option modules below. This section is designed to allow you to choose level 2 option modules that you may not have been able to take in the past due to timetable clashes.
GRC20300 Women in Ancient Greece Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 0 of:
This is an elective substitution module. You may select this module instead of one of your elective modules.
HUM30050 Writing for Life: employability skills for arts and humanities students Spring  5

SDG4 SDG 5 SDG 10 SDG 11 SDG 16 SDG 17


By joining the UCD College of Arts and Humanities you will be part of a vibrant community of students and faculty who are committed to creating a more sustainable, just and equitable future. Our courses are designed to equip students with the best education in their chosen arts and humanities subjects. Our research and teaching and learning connect with many of the SDGs, most notably:

  • SDG 4: Quality Education -Promotes inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.

  • SDG 5: Gender Equality - Advances gender equality by addressing social norms, histories, and cultural practices that contribute to gender disparities.

  • SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities - Encourages understanding and action against social, economic, and political inequalities.

  • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities - Enhances cultural understanding and heritage preservation, fostering sustainable communities.

  • SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions - Promotes peace, justice, and strong institutions through critical inquiry into human rights, ethics, and governance.

  • SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals - Encourages global partnerships and collaboration by fostering international understanding and dialogue.

Our programmes equip students with critical thinking, empathy, and cultural awareness, essential for addressing complex global challenges.

The moment I found this course, I knew it was the perfect fit for me. Studying these disciplines in tandem has provided me with fresh perspectives on each of them. Throughout the course, I have had the privilege of encountering numerous wonderful opportunities. For instance, I spent a year in Paris delving into Art History, honing my French language skills, and meeting amazing new people. Additionally, during my final year, I devoted myself to researching and crafting a dissertation on a topic of my choice. This experience has been invaluable, and I wholeheartedly recommend this course to others.

Amie Conlan, Student

“When I was deciding what degree to do I was conflicted because I could not find anything that combined all my interests. When I discovered this course I was delighted, as it perfectly combines three subjects that I love, creating a unique opportunity. While studying I have had so many opportunities to travel and work; I travelled to Greece with Classics, Paris with Art History and this summer I am going to Frankfurt to do an archaeological dig. Next year I am going to Amsterdam on the Erasmus programme. I love my course and I would recommend it to anyone who loves travelling and meeting new people.”

Iseult Devaney, Student

Non-EU Undergraduate Fee information can be found here.

UCD offers a number of competitive undergraduate scholarships for full-time, self-funding international students, holding an offer of a place on a UCD undergraduate degree programme. For information on Undergraduate Scholarships, please see the UCD International Scholarships webpage.

General application route(s) for Irish/UK/EU applicants* for International (non-EU) applicants* to Classics, Art History & Archaeology:

Classics, Art History & Archaeology
Bachelor of Arts

Commencing September 2025
Undergraduate Degree (Non EU)
Non EU Undergraduates
Classics, Art History & Archaeology
Bachelor of Arts

Commencing September 2025
Application through CAO
* you can change options at the top of the page

Additional special entry route(s) to Classics, Art History & Archaeology:

These options have additional eligibility requirements to cater for specific applicant cohorts. You should not apply via these routes before consulting the requirements or contacting the responsible UCD office.

Classics, Art History & Archaeology
Bachelor of Arts

Commencing September 2025
Access Progression Pathway
Access Progression Pathway
Application to this Non-EU Access Progression Pathway is by invitation only. If you are not currently enrolled on an Access programme at UCD, your application will be marked as invalid.
If you are not a current Access student, but you are a non-EU applicant seeking admission to an undergraduate degree, please submit an application via the "Undergraduate Degree (Non-EU)" course type.