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Zoology Stage 2 (ZOC2)

Undergraduate (Level 8 NFQ, Credits 240)
Academic Year 2024/2025
Internships Available
4 Year(s)
Next Intake:
2024/2025 September
General Entry Requirements (A-Level)

BBB + D AS Level

General Entry Requirements (IB)


Subject Requirements (Laboratory Science)

GCSE A / A Level D

(or AS Level C)
IB SL 6 / HL 4

Subject Requirements (Mathematics)

GCSE A / A Level D

(or AS Level C)
IB SL 6 / HL 4

Country Specific Entry Requirements:
Visit the UCD Global Undergraduate Entry Requirements webpage.

Curricular information is subject to change.

Zoology is often thought of in terms of treks into the wild to study rare and endangered species. However, this is only one facet of this fascinating subject. Modern zoology deals with all aspects of animals, from genetics and cell biology to ecology and animal behaviour. Zoology at UCD provides modules in a wide range of disciplines, including marine, terrestrial and freshwater biology, evolutionary biology, animal behaviour, palaeontology, ecology, pest control, population genetics, developmental biology, and animal physiology and cell biology.

Information on all our courses including pathways, internships and careers information is available in the UCD Science Undergraduate Courses Entry 2024 Brochure (PDF).

About this Course

Zoology is one of the degree subjects available through the Biological, Biomedical & Biomolecular Sciences stream in the common entry Science course. Students study similar modules for all degree subjects in the Biological, Biomedical & Biomolecular Sciences stream in first year and will study modules for a minimum of two degree subjects in second year. At the end of second year, students choose their degree major. Assuming students meet all the academic requirements in first and second year, students are guaranteed a degree subject from the stream they are studying in second year. We do our best to ensure that students go on to study their top degree subject choice. As we offer plenty of degree subjects in each stream, students have a number of similar degree subjects to choose from as their degree major. For more information on choosing a degree major at the end of Second Year, visit the Biological, Biomedical & Biomolecular Sciences stream page.

This is a sample set of modules that a Zoology student could study each year in UCD.

First Year
Scientific Enquiry • Cell Biology & Genetics • Basis of Organic and Biological Chemistry • Biomedical Sciences • Biology in Action • Life on Earth • Linear Algebra for Science • Calculus for Science • Optional Science Modules • Elective Module

Second Year
Biomolecular Lab Skills • Scientific Communication • Principles of Zoology • Principles of Environmental Biology & Ecology • Chemistry for Biologists • + modules for 2 other Science Subjects • Elective Modules

Third Year
Systems Ecology • Evolutionary Biology • Diversity of Invertebrates • Working with Biological Data • Functional Morphology • Arthropoda • Diversity of Vertebrates • Optional Modules • Elective Modules

Fourth Year
Research Project • Bioassessment of Freshwaters • Biological Invasions • Conservation of Biodiversity • Epithelial Transport • Marine Community Ecology • Molecular Phylogenetics • Ornithology • Tropical Field Ecology • Optional Modules

Timetables & Assessment
Each student will have their own timetable based on their individual module selection. This is a full-time course and classes may include lectures, practicals and tutorials, depending on the subjects. Students will also be expected to study independently (autonomous student learning). Assessment varies with each module but may comprise continuous assessment of practicals, written exams and online learning activities.

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 2 Core Modules
BMOL20060 Biomolecular Lab Skills 1 Autumn


BIOL20060 Scientific Communication Spring


ZOOL20030 Principles of Zoology Spring


Stage 2 Core Modules
Stage 2 Options
CHEM20090 Chemistry for Biology Autumn


ENVB20050 Principles of Environmental Biology & Ecology Spring


Stage 2 Options
Stage 3 Core Modules
ENVB30010 Systems Ecology Autumn


ZOOL30030 Evolutionary Biology Autumn


ZOOL30050 Diversity of Invertebrates Autumn


BIOL30030 Working with Biological Data Spring


ZOOL30010 Functional Morphology Spring


ZOOL30020 Arthropoda Spring


ZOOL30040 Diversity of Vertebrates Spring


Stage 3 Core Modules
Stage 3 Options
BIOL30040 Scientific Writing for Biology Autumn


CELB20060 Principles of Cell & Molecular Biology Autumn


ENVB30020 Wildlife Conservation and Fisheries Management Autumn


ENVB30140 Analysis of Environmental Materials Autumn


ZOOL20020 Animal Behaviour Autumn


CELB30100 Developmental Biology Spring


ENVB20050 Principles of Environmental Biology & Ecology Spring


GENE20020 Principles of Genetics Spring


ZOOL30060 Biogeography and Field Biology Spring


Stage 3 Options
Stage 4 Options
BIOL40360 Research Project 2 Trimester duration (Aut-Spr)


BIOL40870 Critical Literature Review 2 Trimester duration (Aut-Spr)


ENVB40030 Bioassessment of Freshwaters Autumn


ENVB40040 Environmental Impact Assessment Autumn


ENVB40490 Tropical Field Ecology Autumn


ENVB40540 Introduction to Ecological Mapping with open source software (QGIS) Autumn


SCI30080 Professional Placement-Science Autumn


ZOOL40040 Molecular Phylogenetics - Powers and Pitfalls Autumn


ZOOL40300 Epithelial Transport in Animal Physiology Autumn


ZOOL40500 Ornithology Autumn


ZOOL40510 Conservation of Biodiversity: Theory and Practice Autumn


BIOL40850 Big Questions in Biology Spring


ENVB40020 Marine Community Ecology Spring


ENVB40290 Ecological Modelling Spring


GENE40080 Population Genetics Spring


GENE40090 Epigenetics Spring


ZOOL40280 Biological Invasions Spring


ZOOL40490 Wildlife Habitat Modelling for Ecology and Conservation Spring


Students have the opportunity to complete a Professional Placement module worth 5 credits. This module provides students with an opportunity to undertake a placement in industry (6-10 weeks) in the summer following Third Year. Students in recent years have completed internships in Dublin Zoo, Emerald Park, and Seal Rescue Ireland.

Students can also apply to complete research bursaries in UCD Research labs.

Placements are secured on a competitive basis and are subject to change each year.

More information about the internship module and application process.

Due to the nature and breadth of the subject, Zoology graduates are employed in most of the industries and state organisations that employ biologists. These include the National Parks and Wildlife Services, National Museum, Marine Institute, semi-state bodies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, ESB, Bord Iascaigh Mhara and Inland Fisheries Ireland, conservation bodies, aquaculture,  universities, secondary schools, environmental consultancies, and several areas of biotechnology.

Graduate opportunities are also available for students to pursue MSc or PhD programmes. Taught MSc programmes that can be pursued by Zoology graduates at UCD include Applied Environmental Science, Environmental Sustainability (Online) and Global Change: Ecosystem Science and Policy.

The following advice is for Non-EU applicants. For Irish/EU/UK students, please apply via MyUCD.

The following entry route(s) are available:
Science: Biological, Biomedical & Biomolecular Sciences Stream (BLS1)
Undergraduate Degree (Non EU)
Entry in Sep 2024
Full Time - 4 Year(s) Apply from Oct 2023 Apply

In UCD Science you really have the freedom to shape your degree the way you’d like it. I chose Zoology as the lecturers were so helpful and engaging, and there were plenty of opportunities to get hands-on experience at home and abroad. One of the trips abroad was to Costa Rica as part of an optional fourth year module, Tropical Field Ecology. We spent 2 weeks learning about the local biodiversity as well as various methods of data collection such as electrofishing, radio telemetry, lizard fishing, butterfly and bee trapping, and bat/bird surveys. After graduation, I would love to continue in research for a few years, and eventually settle into education.
Katie Connolly, Student


Zoology Stage 2 (ZOC2)

Undergraduate (Level 8 NFQ, Credits 240)