Mathematics, Biology and Education (B) (MMS7)

Curricular information is subject to change

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Students’ performance will be reviewed at the end of the academic year. Students who fail 50% or more of their registered modules, and who fail to progress to the next stage of their programme, will be identified under the UCD Continuation – Academic progress policy. Students’ performance will continue to be reviewed in subsequent trimesters and students will be invited to meetings with the College of Science office for support and guidance.

Where the rate of progression and performance over two academic years is deemed unacceptable, a case will be submitted to the Governing Board for review. A recommendation for discontinuation may be the outcome of this review.

As Stages 3 and 4 have the most dynamic components of the programme, and the material studied previously may no longer be relevant, a student who has been away from the programme for a significant period should be required to register again to Stage 3. The upper limit for completion of Stages 3 and 4 should be six years if they choose to do 120 credits with 20 in each year.
Stage 3

Students take 9 core modules. Students must take PSY10050 in Stage 3 or Stage 4. Students should take MST30020 or MST30030 in Stage 3 or Stage 4. Students must complete 40 ECTS at Level 3.

Stage 4

Students take 7 core modules and 1 option module. Students must take PSY10050 in Stage 4 if not taken in Stage 3. Students must take MST30020 or MST30030 in Stage 4. Suggested option modules may contribute to remaining credits.

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 3 Core Modules
BMOL30030 Regulation of Gene Expression Autumn 5
MATH30340 Peer-Assisted Tutoring Autumn 5
MST20010 Algebraic Structures Autumn 5
STAT20110 Introduction to Probability Autumn 5
ZOOL30030 Evolutionary Biology Autumn 5
EDUC30050 Schools and Society Spring 5
ENVB30100 Ecological and Environmental Microbiology Spring 5
MATH30390 Mathematics Pedagogy & Curriculum in Placement Spring 5
MST30070 Differential Geometry Spring 5
Stage 3 Core Modules
Stage 3 Options - C)MIN0OF:
Students should take PSY10050 in Stage 3 or 4. Students must take MST30020 or MST30030 in Stage 3 or 4
MST30020 History of Mathematics Autumn 5
PSY10050 Introduction to Psychology Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
MST30030 Financial Mathematics Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - C)MIN0OF:
Students should take PSY10050 in Stage 3 or 4. Students must take MST30020 or MST30030 in Stage 3 or 4
Stage 3 Options - D)MIN0OF:
Students can select 10 credits from elective modules in Stage 3. Alternatively, students can select 10 credits from the list below.
EDUC10180 Irish Childhoods Autumn 5
SUST10010 Introduction to Sustainability Autumn 5
BIOC20060 Biochemistry in Action Spring 5
BSEN10010 Biosystems Engineering Design Challenge Spring 5
DSCY10040 Childhood Spring 5
DSCY10060 Energy, Climate Change & Policy Spring 5
PSY10040 Introduction to the Psychology of Perception and Cognition Spring 5
ZOOL30010 Functional Morphology Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - D)MIN0OF:
Students can select 10 credits from elective modules in Stage 3. Alternatively, students can select 10 credits from the list below.
Stage 4 Core Modules
EDUC42180 Professional Placement & Portfolio 1 2 Trimester duration (Aut-Spr) 20
EDUC42850 Teaching Science A Autumn 5
MATH40810 Mathematics Pedagogy for Classroom Practice Autumn 5
MST30010 Group Theory and Applications Autumn 5
MST30050 Complex Analysis Autumn 5
EDUC42840 Maths Pedagogy in Placement Spring 5
EDUC42860 Teaching Science B Spring 5
Stage 4 Core Modules
Stage 4 Options - A)MIN0OF:
If not taken in Stage 3, students must take PSY10050 in Stage 4. Students must take either MST30020 or MST30030 in Stage 3 or 4.
MST30020 History of Mathematics Autumn 5
PSY10050 Introduction to Psychology Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
MST30030 Financial Mathematics Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - A)MIN0OF:
If not taken in Stage 3, students must take PSY10050 in Stage 4. Students must take either MST30020 or MST30030 in Stage 3 or 4.
Stage 4 Options - C)MIN0OF:
Students may take an option module from this list to complete 60 credits for Stage 4. Students who successfully complete an internship in the summer term betweeen Stage 3 and Stage 4 will be registered to SCI30080 Professional Placement module for Stage 4 credit.
EDUC10180 Irish Childhoods Autumn 5
SCI30080 Professional Placement-Science Autumn 5
SUST10010 Introduction to Sustainability Autumn 5
BSEN10010 Biosystems Engineering Design Challenge Spring 5
DSCY10040 Childhood Spring 5
DSCY10060 Energy, Climate Change & Policy Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - C)MIN0OF:
Students may take an option module from this list to complete 60 credits for Stage 4. Students who successfully complete an internship in the summer term betweeen Stage 3 and Stage 4 will be registered to SCI30080 Professional Placement module for Stage 4 credit.
See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info  
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
BHSCI001 Stage 4 - 70.00%
Stage 3 - 30.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2






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