Course Finder

Computer Science

Computer Science

Undergraduate (Level 8 NFQ , Credits 240 )

Computer Science is a common entry course and offers the following two degree subjects:

  • Computer Science  [ Link to CSS1]
  • Computer Science with Data Science [Link to CSSC ]

Students decide on their degree subject at the end of Second Year.  If you are a logical thinker who likes problem solving and you enjoy subjects like mathematics, a degree in Computer Science could be for you.

Information on all our courses including pathways, internships and careers information is available in the UCD Science Undergraduate Courses Entry 2024 Brochure (PDF).

For more information regarding this course, please click School of Computer Science

How do I apply?

For EU students, please apply via MyUCD. The following entry route(s) are available:
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The UCD Computer Science course includes two degree subjects: Computer Science and Computer Science with Data Science.

The fundamentals of Computer Science, including contemporary languages and technologies used in the industry. Topics include advanced software engineering, theory of computer science, networks, security and the underlying mathematics behind logic and formal software. Students learn programming languages such as Java; software development tools and   methodologies such as Git; web technologies such as JavaScript; and Big Data programming techniques. Students will also use different operating systems.

The Computer Science course is full time and includes a mixture of lectures, tutorials and practical assignments.Assessment for each module will vary and may comprise a written exam, individual homework assignments, group projects and continuous assessment.

Students study the same modules in First and Second Year and at the end of Second Year, they choose their degree subject.


Click below to for all course modules:

Computer ScienceCSSA

A UCD Computer Science degree equips you with the fundamental skills to work in a variety of roles including software developer, software architect, engineering manager, database designer, web developer, network engineer, systems administrator or IT consultant. UCD Computer Science graduates work in a wide range of domains including internet, telecommunications, healthcare, finance, online retail, gaming and social networking. Some graduates start their own companies, even immediately after graduating. With a BSc in Computer Science, you are also eligible to pursue graduate study in computer science and in related areas, such as business, mathematics and engineering. Graduates also pursue research in computer science through PhD programmes in UCD or other institutions.

It is possible to study abroad for a trimester, usually in the third year of the course. Universities that students have visited to date include the University of Auckland, New Zealand, the University of California, Irvine, USA, and Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

This course offers a fascinating range of modules on every aspect of Computer Science. The opportunities to get involved with clubs and societies were fantastic. Through Netsoc, I made many new friends and contacts by attending and organising events. The highlight of my time here was hosting the SISTEM tech conference at UCD. In third year, I had the chance to undertake a six- onth software engineering internship at Amazon. It was a wonderful experience to apply my studies in a practical setting and receive invaluable mentorship from my teammates. This even led to me being hired as a full-time software engineer by Amazon, where I work on new and exciting problems every day. 

Thomas Creavin, Graduate