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BSc Economics, Mathematics and Statistics

BSc Economics, Mathematics and Statistics

Undergraduate (Level 8 NFQ , Credits 240 )

If you are interested in Mathematics, Statistics and Economics, then this programme enables you to explore these areas in depth, while also emphasising how they complement each other. Economists employ mathematics to design theoretical models and use statistics to test these models and to explore the tremendous amount of data that is generated by the economy. In turn, the models and data that are part of the study of Economics provide an interesting source of applications for students that have learned mathematical and statistical skills. 

For more information regarding this course, please click Central Office - College of Social Sciences and Law

How do I apply?

The following entry route(s) are available:
Description ENTRY Duration Application Opening Date APPURL
BSc Economics, Mathematics and Statistics(EMS1) Entry in
Sep 2024
Full Time - 4 Years Apply from -
Oct 2024

If you are interested in Mathematics, Statistics and Economics, then this programme enables you to explore these areas in depth, while also emphasising how they complement each other. Economists employ mathematics to design theoretical models and use statistics to test these models and to explore the tremendous amount of data that is generated by the economy. In turn, the models and data that are part of the study of Economics provide an interesting source of applications for students that have learned mathematical and statistical skills. 

You will study Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, providing you with a solid foundation in all three subjects. You will also be given the opportunity to specialise in the latter stages of your degree, for example, in applied economics, advanced statistics, mathematical modelling of complex processes, or developing “Big Data” skills.

Through your study, you will develop skills in data analysis, and be supported in the development of your analytical and problemsolving skills, as well as in the application of these skills to understanding real economic issues. The degree will provide a structured approach to developing skills of analysis, problem design and resolution using mathematics, economic theory, data analysis and statistical methods.

First Year

Introduction to Economics • Principles of Microeconomics • Principles of Macroeconomics • Practical Statistics • Statistical Modelling • Calculus • Linear Algebra 1 • Combinatorics & Number Theory • Introduction to Programming • Elective module

Second Year

Intermediate Microeconomics • Intermediate Macroeconomics • Probability • Predictive Analytics • Inferential Statistics • Multivariable Calculus • Analysis • Linear Algebra 2 • Algebraic Structures • Elective modules

Third & Fourth Year

Econometrics • Time Series Analysis • Complex Analysis • Financial Mathematics • Stochastic Models • Specialist Economics options • Study Abroad opportunity • Internship opportunity • Research modules • Elective modules


Assessment is through a combination of endof- trimester written examinations, projects and continuous assessment.

Internship Opportunities

In third year, students can apply for an optional paid internship for one trimester in a range of organisations in the public and private sector, which help to inform future career decisions through real-world experience.

The skills and problem-solving abilities you acquire in this degree are highly prized in a range of professions, in both private and public sectors, including banking, finance, accounting, management consultancy, broadcasting, business, journalism, teaching and communications.

Many students pursue graduate study in Economics, Mathematics or Statistics, leading to Masters and PhD degrees. Both the School of Economics and the School of Mathematics and Statistics offer Masters programmes aimed at further developing analytical and professional skills. Postgraduate qualifications are necessary to work as a professional economist.

Students may apply to study abroad at international partner universities in third year.