MSc Experimental Physiology

Graduate Taught (level 9 nfq, credits 90)

Robust reproducible science is the foundation of biomedical discovery. The MSc in Experimental Physiology programme focuses on teaching practical laboratory techniques and fundamental biomedical research skills. A key feature of this programme is that all students experience one-on-one teaching within research groups that are supervised by internationally renowned investigators. This unique learning environment allows students to perfect fundamental laboratory techniques and apply them to current research questions in an active world-class research environment.

Course Features

  • One-on-one teaching in an active research laboratory
  • Balance of laboratory-based practical modules and modules relating to cutting edge techniques, data analysis, scientific writing and communication, innovation, ethics, and integrity
  • Focus on mastering research techniques and experimental design
  • Horizons broadened via weekly research seminars
  • Perfect foundation for further post-graduate research or industrial research career
  • Taught by internationally renowned experts

Careers & Employability

Upon completion of this programme students will be equipped with the skills necessary to pursue a biomedical research or laboratory-based career in academia or industry. This programme provides invaluable exposure to the research environment and is ideal preparation for those considering a further research degree (75% of our graduates have obtained PhD positions and are thriving in the research environment). Transferable skills in online research, data analysis, communication, scientific writing, and innovation can also open up a diverse array of opportunities outside of the laboratory.

Curricular information is subject to change

Full Time option suitable for:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes
International (Non EEA) applicants currently residing outside of the EEA Region. Yes

Core laboratory-based modules (PCR/QPCR, Western blot, tissue culture, immunohistochemistry) are complemented by modules that cover fundamental research skills, online research skills, research ethics, scientific communication, biostatistics, and research integrity. In addition, students will keep up to date with cutting edge advances in biomedical research via attendance at translational medicine workshops and journal clubs, and weekly research seminars hosted by the Conway Institute. Final optional modules include several advanced modules on cutting edge technologies (flow cytometry, introduction to “Omics”, and applied proteomics), science communication, scientific writing, data analysis and tech transfer. These modules involve a mixture of small group teaching, online activities, and seminars.

MSc Experimental Physiology (X846) Full Time
EU          fee per year - € 13009.5 za
nonEU    fee per year - € 21950 za

za€4,000 'Physiology Lab Bench Fees' is included in the total Fee
***Fees are subject to change

Science graduates with a BSc in physiology or a related biomedical discipline who are:
• Interested in a research or technical career in industry
• Interested in molecular/cellular physiology and it’s application to translational research
• Interested in expanding their analytical and critical research skills
• Thinking about doing a PhD in any biomedical discipline and looking for a strong foundation course

The following entry routes are available:

MSc Experimental Physiology FT (X846)
1 Years
Full Time

* Courses will remain open until such time as all places have been filled, therefore early application is advised

Applications are currently being accepted and can be made via the UCD applications page