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History & Politics

BA (NFQ Level 8)
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History and Politics is a classic combination of subjects for students looking to investigate the workings of government and society in contemporary and historical perspectives. You will examine why society has changed and seek to understand the issues facing societies across the globe today. Through both subjects, the course will teach you the essential skills of writing, critical thinking, evaluating evidence, and assessing data. This course offers an excellent interdisciplinary preparation by combining historical research with political science and political theory.

About This Course

You will study Irish, European, and world history, engaging with political, cultural, social, and economic aspects of history, and investigating historical change, from the impact of ideas to the role of class, gender, and race. You will also study International Relations and a variety of political issues including political conflict, development, human rights, and political economy, always with a focus on the role of government, public policy, and citizens.

First Year

The core first year module is an interdisciplinary module fusing historical and political science approaches to a chosen case study. You will take foundational courses in both history and politics.

Second Year

In your second year, you will begin to deepen your knowledge by taking core and elective modules in History and Politics. In History, these modules will allow you to focus on particular countries, themes and periods, alongside the core module History Today. In Politics, you will study modules ranging from international relations to human rights, alongside a core Research Methods module.

Third Year 

You will choose from a range of options that will enable you to broaden your horizons and enrich your academic experience:

  • Apply for a competitive internship in an area that interests you and/or relates to your area of study.
  • Study abroad for a trimester/year to develop your language skills and immerse yourself in a new culture.
  • Deepen your knowledge by studying a dedicated range of History and Politics modules.

Fourth Year

Students take option modules in both subjects in fourth year. The culmination of the programme is a capstone project, where you will work closely with a supervisor to complete a dissertation in history, politics, or an interdisciplinary mix of both.

For detailed information on subject content click here.

Students may apply for study abroad opportunities in universities across Europe and worldwide. Both subjects have a network of exchange agreements with partner Universities including: France, Norway, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, United States, Italy.

Graduates of History and Politics have key skills in research, analysis and communication that are highly valued by employers. History & Politics graduates work across: International Organizations, Broadcasting and Journalism, Business, Civil Service, Law, NGOs, Publishing, Public Relations, Politics, Research, Teaching, Marketing, Policymaking, Tourism, Heritage.

Graduates are eligible to apply for UCD MA and MSc programmes in either History or Politics and International Relations. For more information see www.ucd.ie/graduatestudies.

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
HIS10070 The Making of Modern Europe: 1500-2000 Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
HIS10450 Radicals and Revolutionaries Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
HIS10520 International Order since 1990 Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
POL10160 Foundations of Contemporary Politics Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
POL10170 Foundations in Political Research Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
HIS10310 Ireland's English Centuries Spring  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
HIS10320 The Making of Modern Ireland, 1800-2000 Spring  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
INRL10020 Foundations of Intl Relations Spring  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
POL10180 Foundations of Pol Theory Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 2 of:
Choose two option modules.
It is recommended that students spread their credit workload evenly between Trimester 1 and Trimester 2.

Students may take an additional option module in Spring, in place of an elective module.
HIS10080 Rome to Renaissance Autumn  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 2 of:
Choose two option modules.
It is recommended that students spread their credit workload evenly between Trimester 1 and Trimester 2.

Students may take an additional option module in Spring, in place of an elective module.
DSCY10050 War: Ancient and modern Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 2 of:
Choose two option modules.
It is recommended that students spread their credit workload evenly between Trimester 1 and Trimester 2.

Students may take an additional option module in Spring, in place of an elective module.
DSCY10120 Contagion & Control Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 2 of:
Choose two option modules.
It is recommended that students spread their credit workload evenly between Trimester 1 and Trimester 2.

Students may take an additional option module in Spring, in place of an elective module.
HIS10440 The United States, 1776-1991 Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 2 of:
Choose two option modules.
It is recommended that students spread their credit workload evenly between Trimester 1 and Trimester 2.

Students may take an additional option module in Spring, in place of an elective module.
INRL20110 Intro to Middle East Politics Spring  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
HIS21140 History Today Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
INRL20040 Theories and Concepts in International Relations Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
POL20010 Individuals and the State: The Idea of Freedom in the History of Political Thought Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
POL20020 Comparative Politics Spring  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
POL20050 Research Methods in Political Science Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 3 of:
Choose at least 3 History Option ModulesAll students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
HIS20670 France since the Revolution  Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 3 of:
Choose at least 3 History Option ModulesAll students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
HIS21180 Landscapes Remade: People and Place in Ireland, 1500-1800 Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 3 of:
Choose at least 3 History Option ModulesAll students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
HIS21240 Celts, Romans and Vikings: The Formation of Early Ireland Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 3 of:
Choose at least 3 History Option ModulesAll students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
HIS21260 From the Goldmines to Trump: A global history of nativism and anti-immigration since the mid-19th c. Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 3 of:
Choose at least 3 History Option ModulesAll students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
HIS21320 Sport and the modern world Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 3 of:
Choose at least 3 History Option ModulesAll students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
HIS21340 The Irish at War, 1914-1998 Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 3 of:
Choose at least 3 History Option ModulesAll students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
HIS20460 Islam and Christianity in the Middle Ages Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 3 of:
Choose at least 3 History Option ModulesAll students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
HIS20820 Nazi Germany Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 3 of:
Choose at least 3 History Option ModulesAll students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
HIS20950 European Statecraft, Strategy & Culture, c. 1470-c.1770: Personalities & Power Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 3 of:
Choose at least 3 History Option ModulesAll students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
HIS21120 Northern Ireland, 1920-2010: from partition to Paisley Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 3 of:
Choose at least 3 History Option ModulesAll students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
HIS21330 Global Asia Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - B) Min 2 of:
Choose at least 2 Politics Option Modules
All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
INRL20080 Irish Foreign Policy Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - B) Min 2 of:
Choose at least 2 Politics Option Modules
All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
INRL20160 Introduction to European Union Politics Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - B) Min 2 of:
Choose at least 2 Politics Option Modules
All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
POL20260 Introduction to Chinese Politics Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - B) Min 2 of:
Choose at least 2 Politics Option Modules
All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
DEV20010 Topics in Intl Development Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - B) Min 2 of:
Choose at least 2 Politics Option Modules
All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
DEV20130 Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - B) Min 2 of:
Choose at least 2 Politics Option Modules
All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
INRL20110 Intro to Middle East Politics Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - B) Min 2 of:
Choose at least 2 Politics Option Modules
All students are strongly advised to balance their workload evenly across both trimesters. This means you should pick 30 credits in Autumn (Trimester 1) and 30 credits in Spring (Trimester 2)

You may wish to take additional option modules from the list below in place of electives.
POL10120 Foundations in Global Development Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
DEV30010 Sustainable Development through the Lens of Gender Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
INRL30330 Integration and Fragmentation in the Global System Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
INRL30370 Terrorism & Political Violence Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL30730 Political Activism in the Middle East Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL30780 Justice in Education Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL36120 Gender, Religion & Colonialism Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL36160 Northern Ireland Politics Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL36180 Politics of Care Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL36190 Political Networks Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL36200 Democracy, Elections and Campaigns Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
INRL30390 Foreign Policy Mistakes Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
INRL30400 EU Foreign Policy: understanding how the European Union and its member states engage with the world Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL30660 Data Analytics for Social Sciences Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL30680 Gender and Politics Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL30690 Introduction to Asian Politics Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL30820 Political Risk and Foreign Direct Investment Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL30840 Electoral Systems and their Consequences Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL36110 Comparative Political Theory Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL36150 Feminist Perspectives on Social Policy Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from this section and 5 credits from the 5-credit Politics Options list.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL36170 Respecting Diversity Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from the 10-credit Politics Options list and 5 credits from this section.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
INRL20080 Irish Foreign Policy Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from the 10-credit Politics Options list and 5 credits from this section.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
INRL20160 Introduction to European Union Politics Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from the 10-credit Politics Options list and 5 credits from this section.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL20260 Introduction to Chinese Politics Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from the 10-credit Politics Options list and 5 credits from this section.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
DEV20010 Topics in Intl Development Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from the 10-credit Politics Options list and 5 credits from this section.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
DEV20130 Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from the 10-credit Politics Options list and 5 credits from this section.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
ECON30500 Field Experiments Social Sci Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from the 10-credit Politics Options list and 5 credits from this section.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
INRL20110 Intro to Middle East Politics Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from the 10-credit Politics Options list and 5 credits from this section.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
MUS31330 Post-Truth, Politics & Music Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - B) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Politics Options: Select at least 25 option credits in Politics in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from the 10-credit Politics Options list and 5 credits from this section.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
POL10120 Foundations in Global Development Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31250 Old Germany Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31320 The Irish Revolution, 1910-1923 Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31440 Ireland in the long 1960s Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31500 Past, Present and Future in Medieval England Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31860 Slavery and the New World Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32350 Alcohol, Drugs & Society Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32440 Florence 1400-1530 Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32690 Revolution and War in Twentieth-Century Vietnam Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32730 The Digital Humanities Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32860 Jilted Lovers, Giants, Yahoos and Cannibals: Jonathan Swift's Ireland, 1685-1745 Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32880 Sexuality and Society Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32950 Weimar Germany Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32970 The 1641 Rebellion Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32980 Britain's War Northern Ireland Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS33010 Global History before AD 1000 Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS33160 War, Religion and State in Sixteenth-Century France Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS33170 Capitalism, power and environmentalism: themes in global environmental history Autumn  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31700 Origins of the First World War Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32620 International Relations in the Asia Pacific, 1890s-1950s Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32710 Manufacturing Truth in the Modern World Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31280 Rise, Fall, Rise of Modern Japan Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31310 Madness and Civilisation Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31400 British Atlantic History, 1607-1776 Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31510 Religion & Society in Independent Ireland, 1922-1968 Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31760 Irish Foreign Policy, 1919-73: A Place Among the Nations Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31900 Roads to Heaven & Hell Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS31960 Satan in the Middle Ages Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32330 A History of Decadence: Sex, Spectacle and Corruption in Eighteenth-Century Venice Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32540 Women, War and Irish Society 1914-1923 Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32720 Frontiers of Empire Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32940 Devolution, Dominion, Democracy: Ireland's constitutional history north and south, 1870-2007 Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32990 1942: The World at War Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS33000 Political Violence in Ireland Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS33030 Women and Ethical Action in the First Millennium CE Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS33070 Russia at War, 1686 – 1989 Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS33090 African American and Native American Citizenship, 1780-1950 Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS33100 The United States and the Vietnam War Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS33120 Women in Early Modern Ireland Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules below and 5 credits from a 5 credit module.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS33130 The Scottish Financial Revolution in Context, 1688-1750 Spring  10
Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules and 5 credits from the 5 credit option modules below.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32380 Genocide & Mass Violence in the Twentieth Century Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules and 5 credits from the 5 credit option modules below.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32900 Questions in History Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules and 5 credits from the 5 credit option modules below.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32310 Revolutionary Russia, 1905-1921 Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - D) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 History Options: Select at least 25 option credits in History in stage 3. 20 Credits should be taken from 10 credit modules and 5 credits from the 5 credit option modules below.
Students who take up a trimester-long exchange or internship for one trimester and are in UCD for the other trimester only should take 20 option credits at level 3, plus 10 elective credits. A minimum of 10 credits should be taken in both History and Politics. Extra option modules from your programme can be taken in place of your electives if you wish.
HIS32460 Conquering Ireland, 1579-1691 Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - E) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Internship Option: Students who have been offered a College sourced internship, or self-sourced their own internship with approval from the Programme Board should register to the internship module in the appropriate trimester
HUM30020 Internship-Autumn (Humanities) Autumn  30
Stage 3 Options - E) Min 0 of:
Stage 3 Internship Option: Students who have been offered a College sourced internship, or self-sourced their own internship with approval from the Programme Board should register to the internship module in the appropriate trimester
HUM30030 Internship- Spring (Humanities) Spring  30
Stage 3 Options - F) Min 0 of:
This is an elective substitution module. You may select this module instead of one of your elective modules.
HUM30050 Writing for Life: employability skills for arts and humanities students Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Students can choose to take a 20-credit dissertation/capstone option in EITHER History or Politics. Students who wish to choose the History dissertation module HIS32840 MUST also choose the autumn semester research skills module HIS30550. Students who wish to choose the Politics capstone must choose both the autumn semester module POL30860 AND the spring semester module POL30870. POL30860 and POL30870 have limited capacity and entry is competitive. Further info is available at https://www.ucd.ie/spire/study/currentundergraduatestudents/advancedseminarinpolitics/. Students who do not choose either dissertation option should take 50 credits of taught modules from the option blocks below (25 credits in History and 25 credits in Politics).
HIS30550 Research Skills Seminar Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Students can choose to take a 20-credit dissertation/capstone option in EITHER History or Politics. Students who wish to choose the History dissertation module HIS32840 MUST also choose the autumn semester research skills module HIS30550. Students who wish to choose the Politics capstone must choose both the autumn semester module POL30860 AND the spring semester module POL30870. POL30860 and POL30870 have limited capacity and entry is competitive. Further info is available at https://www.ucd.ie/spire/study/currentundergraduatestudents/advancedseminarinpolitics/. Students who do not choose either dissertation option should take 50 credits of taught modules from the option blocks below (25 credits in History and 25 credits in Politics).
POL30860 Advanced Seminar in Politics 1 Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Students can choose to take a 20-credit dissertation/capstone option in EITHER History or Politics. Students who wish to choose the History dissertation module HIS32840 MUST also choose the autumn semester research skills module HIS30550. Students who wish to choose the Politics capstone must choose both the autumn semester module POL30860 AND the spring semester module POL30870. POL30860 and POL30870 have limited capacity and entry is competitive. Further info is available at https://www.ucd.ie/spire/study/currentundergraduatestudents/advancedseminarinpolitics/. Students who do not choose either dissertation option should take 50 credits of taught modules from the option blocks below (25 credits in History and 25 credits in Politics).
HIS32840 Dissertation Spring  15
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 0 of:
Students can choose to take a 20-credit dissertation/capstone option in EITHER History or Politics. Students who wish to choose the History dissertation module HIS32840 MUST also choose the autumn semester research skills module HIS30550. Students who wish to choose the Politics capstone must choose both the autumn semester module POL30860 AND the spring semester module POL30870. POL30860 and POL30870 have limited capacity and entry is competitive. Further info is available at https://www.ucd.ie/spire/study/currentundergraduatestudents/advancedseminarinpolitics/. Students who do not choose either dissertation option should take 50 credits of taught modules from the option blocks below (25 credits in History and 25 credits in Politics).
POL30870 Advanced Seminar in Politics 2 Spring  15
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
DEV30010 Sustainable Development through the Lens of Gender Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
INRL30330 Integration and Fragmentation in the Global System Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
INRL30370 Terrorism & Political Violence Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL30730 Political Activism in the Middle East Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL30780 Justice in Education Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL36120 Gender, Religion & Colonialism Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL36160 Northern Ireland Politics Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL36180 Politics of Care Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL36190 Political Networks Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL36200 Democracy, Elections and Campaigns Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
INRL30390 Foreign Policy Mistakes Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
INRL30400 EU Foreign Policy: understanding how the European Union and its member states engage with the world Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL30660 Data Analytics for Social Sciences Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL30680 Gender and Politics Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL30690 Introduction to Asian Politics Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL30820 Political Risk and Foreign Direct Investment Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL30840 Electoral Systems and their Consequences Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL36110 Comparative Political Theory Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL36150 Feminist Perspectives on Social Policy Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take at least one 10-credit Politics module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit Politics modules.
POL36170 Respecting Diversity Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 1 of:
All students should choose one 5-credit Politics module. Additional module(s) may be taken as electives if desired.
INRL20080 Irish Foreign Policy Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 1 of:
All students should choose one 5-credit Politics module. Additional module(s) may be taken as electives if desired.
INRL20160 Introduction to European Union Politics Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 1 of:
All students should choose one 5-credit Politics module. Additional module(s) may be taken as electives if desired.
POL20260 Introduction to Chinese Politics Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 1 of:
All students should choose one 5-credit Politics module. Additional module(s) may be taken as electives if desired.
DEV20010 Topics in Intl Development Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 1 of:
All students should choose one 5-credit Politics module. Additional module(s) may be taken as electives if desired.
DEV20130 Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 1 of:
All students should choose one 5-credit Politics module. Additional module(s) may be taken as electives if desired.
ECON30500 Field Experiments Social Sci Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 1 of:
All students should choose one 5-credit Politics module. Additional module(s) may be taken as electives if desired.
INRL20110 Intro to Middle East Politics Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 1 of:
All students should choose one 5-credit Politics module. Additional module(s) may be taken as electives if desired.
MUS31330 Post-Truth, Politics & Music Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31250 Old Germany Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31320 The Irish Revolution, 1910-1923 Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31440 Ireland in the long 1960s Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31500 Past, Present and Future in Medieval England Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31860 Slavery and the New World Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32350 Alcohol, Drugs & Society Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32440 Florence 1400-1530 Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32690 Revolution and War in Twentieth-Century Vietnam Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32730 The Digital Humanities Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32860 Jilted Lovers, Giants, Yahoos and Cannibals: Jonathan Swift's Ireland, 1685-1745 Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32880 Sexuality and Society Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32950 Weimar Germany Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32970 The 1641 Rebellion Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32980 Britain's War Northern Ireland Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS33010 Global History before AD 1000 Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS33160 War, Religion and State in Sixteenth-Century France Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS33170 Capitalism, power and environmentalism: themes in global environmental history Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31700 Origins of the First World War Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32620 International Relations in the Asia Pacific, 1890s-1950s Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32710 Manufacturing Truth in the Modern World Autumn and Spring (separate)  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31280 Rise, Fall, Rise of Modern Japan Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31310 Madness and Civilisation Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31400 British Atlantic History, 1607-1776 Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31510 Religion & Society in Independent Ireland, 1922-1968 Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31760 Irish Foreign Policy, 1919-73: A Place Among the Nations Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31900 Roads to Heaven & Hell Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS31960 Satan in the Middle Ages Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32330 A History of Decadence: Sex, Spectacle and Corruption in Eighteenth-Century Venice Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32540 Women, War and Irish Society 1914-1923 Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32720 Frontiers of Empire Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32940 Devolution, Dominion, Democracy: Ireland's constitutional history north and south, 1870-2007 Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS32990 1942: The World at War Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS33000 Political Violence in Ireland Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS33030 Women and Ethical Action in the First Millennium CE Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS33070 Russia at War, 1686 – 1989 Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS33090 African American and Native American Citizenship, 1780-1950 Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS33100 The United States and the Vietnam War Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS33120 Women in Early Modern Ireland Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 1 of:
Students who choose the dissertation option must take one 10-credit History module. Students who do not choose the dissertation module should take two 10-credit History modules.
HIS33130 The Scottish Financial Revolution in Context, 1688-1750 Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - E) Min 1 of:
All students should choose one 5-credit History module. Additional module(s) may be taken as electives if desired.
HIS32380 Genocide & Mass Violence in the Twentieth Century Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - E) Min 1 of:
All students should choose one 5-credit History module. Additional module(s) may be taken as electives if desired.
HIS32900 Questions in History Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - E) Min 1 of:
All students should choose one 5-credit History module. Additional module(s) may be taken as electives if desired.
HIS32310 Revolutionary Russia, 1905-1921 Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - E) Min 1 of:
All students should choose one 5-credit History module. Additional module(s) may be taken as electives if desired.
HIS32460 Conquering Ireland, 1579-1691 Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - F) Min 0 of:
This is an elective substitution module. You may select this module instead of one of your elective modules.
HUM30050 Writing for Life: employability skills for arts and humanities students Spring  5

“Studying history and politics in UCD has been a fantastic opportunity. The subjects combine extremely well together, making each module truly intriguing. They also form a positive balance so that you are not just focusing on one specific topic. What I have enjoyed most about this course so far is taking part in mock elections, which developed my growing passion to pursue a career in politics in the future.”

Sophie O’Leary, Student

Non-EU Undergraduate Fee information can be found here.

UCD offers a number of competitive undergraduate scholarships for full-time, self-funding international students, holding an offer of a place on a UCD undergraduate degree programme. For information on Undergraduate Scholarships, please see the UCD International Scholarships webpage.

General application route(s) for Irish/UK/EU applicants* for International (non-EU) applicants* to History & Politics:

ROWCLASS Apply to   Application Type  
showAudience-audienceInt HPS1
History & Politics
Bachelor of Arts
Commencing 2024/2025 September Undergraduate Degree (Non EU)
Non EU Undergraduates
showAudience-audienceEU DN530
History & Politics
Bachelor of Arts
Commencing 2024/2025 September
Application through CAO Apply via CAO
* you can change options at the top of the page

Additional special entry route(s) to History & Politics:

These options have additional eligibility requirements to cater for specific applicant cohorts. You should not apply via these routes before consulting the requirements or contacting the responsible UCD office.

ROWCLASS Apply to   Application Type  
showAudience-audienceEU showAudience-audienceInt HPS1
History & Politics
Bachelor of Arts
Commencing 2024/2025 September Access Progression Pathway
Access Progression Pathway
Application to this Non-EU Access Progression Pathway is by invitation only. If you are not currently enrolled on an Access programme at UCD, your application will be marked as invalid.
If you are not a current Access student, but you are a non-EU applicant seeking admission to an undergraduate degree, please submit an application via the "Undergraduate Degree (Non-EU)" course type.