Artificial Intelligence for Medicine

Occasional (level 75 nfq)

The Advance Centre offers courses on Digital Transform in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) for part-time professional learners and full-time graduate students. The Centre is a collaboration between UCD, ATU and TU Dublin.
Advance modules in the  Artificial Intelligence for Medicine theme offered by UCD can be viewed and applied for on this page. 

For a full list  please click View All Modules button under What modules can I take section of this page.

Advance Modular Study allows you to take individual modules from the Centre’s catalogue according to your learning needs and availability.  Most modules are online so that you can fit study around your work and life.

Curricular information is subject to change

Part Time option suitable for:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes
International (Non EEA) applicants currently residing outside of the EEA Region. No

Artificial Intelligence for Medicine (CG04) Part Time
EU          fee per credit - € 175
nonEU    fee per credit - € 350

***Fees are subject to change

5 credit modules €875/ EU fee.

More information on the Advance Centre website.

Courses will remain open until such time as all places have been filled, therefore early application is advised.

Click on the Apply button to apply for UCD modules in this theme.