Detailed Information

TASTWK706- TASTER Who do you think you are? An introduction to Irish family history

This taster lecture will provide concrete examples of family history research in Ireland and highlight some useful tips and techniques. With researching family history becoming increasingly popular this lecture can help get you started and whet your appetite for the more detailed training available on the lifelong learning course. The course itself offers an introduction to researching family history in Ireland. In doing so it acquaints learners with the methods and sources for conducting effective family history research and places a strong emphasis on examining online Irish genealogical sources, particularly those dating from the 19th and early 20th centuries.

**This is a once-off taster lecture part of August Taster Week

Dates Schedule Time Venue/Location
21 Aug 2024 Sessions:
Time: 10:30-11:20
Date: 21/08/2024
Location: UCD ALL Learning Space
Day: Wednesday
10:30 UCD ALL Learning Space

Please note that you must be logged into InfoHub to make a Booking. If you do not have an Infohub account you can create one through this link.

Time: 10:30-11:20

Date: 21/08/2024

Location: UCD ALL Learning Space

Day: Wednesday

Thomas Tormey is a tutor and occasional lecturer at the School of History in UCD. He holds a PhD in modern Irish history from Trinity College, Dublin, an MSc in history from the University of Edinburgh, and an MA in military history from Maynooth. This will be Dr Tormey’s second year teaching Who do you think you are? An introduction to Irish family history for UCD Lifelong Learning