Detailed Information

TASTWK714 - TASTER America in the Age of Trump

With Donald Trump seeking to secure a second term as president in the American presidential election in November this lecture will assess how America has evolved politically, economically and socially in the Trump era. We will examine how, since Trump first declared his intention to run in 2015, American has undergone significant change. We will consider the people, groups and movements that have been to the fore in shaping America during this time and assess what roll and influence they can have in the presidential election campaign and election in 2024.


**This is a once-off taster lecture part of August Taster week.

Dates Schedule Time Venue/Location
22 Aug 2024 Sessions:
Time: 14:00-14:50
Date: 22/08/2024
Location: UCD ALL Learning Space
Day: Thursday
14:00 UCD ALL Learning Space

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Time: 14:00-14:50

Date: 22/08/2024

Location: UCD ALL Learning Space

Day: Thursday

Dr Sarah Feehan earned her PhD from UCD. She has previously taught courses on American foreign policy, the Vietnam War and a history of the American presidency. Her research interests include American political history and foreign policy, British foreign policy and Britain and the Commonwealth.

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