Creating an Online Story with ArcGIS StoryMaps


General Information

Communicating research findings in Citizen Science projects is important - and ArcGIS StoryMaps is one of the tools which can be used to do this. This training session organised by UCD's Citizen Science Community of Practice is open to UCD researchers, academics, staff, PhDs with an interest in mapping. You can book your place on this training session further below.

In this three-hour hands-on workshop (with coffee break included!), step-by-step guidance will show you how to create an online story using ArcGIS StoryMaps.  

ArcGIS StoryMaps is a product from Esri, and is designed for sharing research findings, historical narratives, and place-based stories online. It enables users to create web-based map narratives that incorporate geographic data, text, and images to make engaging and interactive multimedia stories.

This workshop will be run by Laura Kearney, Research Scientist with the WaterLANDS project, UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy, and offer an introduction to the fundamental features of ArcGIS StoryMaps. By the end of the session, you will have created a StoryMap on a cultural landscape using files and data provided.  

This is an introductory workshop which will be held in-person and is designed for those with little or no mapping experience.

Whether you're sharing research or simply aiming to inform and inspire through maps ArcGIS StoryMaps provides a user-friendly platform to create engaging stories with maps, enhancing your ability to convey information effectively. You can use ArcGIS StoryMaps for a wide range of topics, whether they are in the sciences or humanities.

Character in the Landscape (created by Laura Kearney)

Some other examples are listed here:

Ireland's Rivers and the Sustainable Development Goals

The Ancient Parish of Killane

The Arrogance of Space

Books Through Their Pages 

ESSENTIAL Preparation prior to this workshop:

ArcGIS StoryMaps does not require the installation of software, however it does require you to have an ArcGIS Online account.

You can request an ArcGIS Online account by submitting a request via the Get Help link on UCD's IT Support Hub page: 

In your request ask that your ArcGIS Online account is set up with the following User Type and Role:
User Type: GIS Professional Advanced and Role: Publisher

When you are notified that your account has been set up, please check that you can login with your username and password here:

Please ensure you send your request to IT Services at least 3 days prior to the workshop to ensure that IT Services have time to respond to your request

Please note that you must be logged into InfoHub to avail of the Book Now function.



General Details:

Start Date:
08 Nov 2023
Start Time:
Health Sciences Library - Information Skills Room
Health Sciences Centre
Contact Name:
Contact Number: