Building Name Building Name in Irish
Agnes McGuire Social Work Building Foirgneamh Agnes McGuire d'Obair Shóisialta
Agriculture and Food Science Centre Ionad Talmhaíochta & Eolaíocht an Bhia
Ardmore Annexe Fortheach an Aird Mhóir
Ardmore House Teach an Aird Mhóir
Ashfield Student Residences Árais Chónaithe na Mac Léinn, Gort na Fuinseoige
Bank, AIB Banc, AIB
Beech Hill Cnoc na Feá
Belfield House Teach Belfield
Belfield Office Park (Block 6)
Belfield Office Park (Block 8 - UCD Institute for Discovery) Páirc Oifige Belfield (Bloc 8 - Institiúid um Fhionnachtain UCD)
Belfield Office Park (Block 9/10) Páirc Oifige Belfield (Bloc 9/10)
Belgrove Student Residences Árais Chónaithe na Mac Léinn, Belgrove
Blackrock Block D Bloc D na Carraige Duibhe
Blackrock East/West Hall Halla Thoir/Thiar na Carraige Duibhe
Blackrock Exam Centre Ionad Scrúduithe na Carraige Duibhe
Blackrock Oratory Aireagal na Carraige Duibhe
Blackrock Restaurant Bialann na Carraige Duibhe
Blackrock Student Residences Árais Chónaithe Mac Léinn na Carraige Duibhe
Building 71 Foirgneamh 71
Catherine McAuley Research Centre Ionad Taighde Catherine McAuley
Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases (CRID) Ionad Thaighde ar Ghlair Thógálacha
Centre for Synthesis & Chemical Biology (CSCB) Ionad Um Shintéis agus Chembhitheolaíocht
Children's University Hospital Ospidéal Ollscolaíoch na Leanaí
Clinton Auditorium Halla Éisteachta Clinton
Computer Centre Ionad Ríomhaire
Computer Science and Informatics Centre Ionad na Ríomheolaíochta agus na Faisnéisíochta
Conway Institute Institiúid Mhic Con Mí
Coombe Womens’ & Infants’ University Hospital Ospidéal Ollscoile an Choim do Mhná agus do Naíonáin
Daedalus Building Áras Daedalus
Energy Centre Ionad Fuinnimh
Engineering and Materials Science Centre Ionad Innealtóireachta & Eolaíocht na nÁbhar
Geary Institute Institiúid Uí Ghadhra
Gerard Manley Hopkins Centre Lárionad Gerard Manley Hopkins
Glenomena Student Residences Árais Chónaithe na Mac Léinn, Gleann na Mine
Graduate School of Business Scoil Chéimithe agus Ghnó
Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington Building Foirgneamh Hannah-Sheehy Skeffington
Health Sciences Centre Ionad na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte
Humanities Institute Ireland Institiúid na hÉireann don Léann Daonna
Industrial Microbiology Micribhitheolaíocht Thionsclaíoch
James Joyce Library Building Foirgneamh Leabharlainne James Joyce
John Hume Institute for Global Irish Studies Institiúid John Hume don Léann Éireannach Domhanda
Lung Fibrosis Fiobróis Scamhóige
Lyons Estate Eastát Lyons
Mater Misericordiae Hospital Ospidéal an Mater Misericordiae
Medical Bureau of Road Safety (MBRS) An Biúró Liachta um Shábháilteacht ar Bhóithre
Merville Student Residences Árais Chónaithe na Mac Léinn, Merville
Muckross Student Residences Árais Chónaithe Mhucrois
National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training An Institiúid Náisiúnta um Thaighde & Oiliúint Bithphróiseála
National Maternity Hospital An tOspidéal Náisiúnta Máithreachais
National Virus Reference Laborary (NVRL) An tSaotharlann Náisiúnta Tagartha Víris
Newman Building Áras Newman
Newman House Teach Newman
Nexus UCD Nexus UCD
O'Brien Centre for Science Ionad Eolaíochta Uí Bhriain
O'Brien Centre for Science - East Ionad Eolaíochta - Thoir
O'Brien Centre for Science - Hub Ionad Eolaíochta - Mol
O'Brien Centre for Science - North Ionad Eolaíochta - Thuaidh
O'Brien Centre for Science - South Ionad Eolaíochta - Theas
O'Brien Centre for Science - West Ionad Eolaíochta - Thiar
O'Kane Institute of Film Institiúid Scannánaíochta Uí Chatháin
O'Reilly Hall Halla Uí Raghallaigh
Oakmount Creche Naíolann Chnocán Daireach
Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Church Séipéal Mhuire Suí na hEagna
Our Lady's Children's Hospital Ospidéal Mhuire na Leanaí
Planning and Environmental Policy Polasaí Comhshaoil agus Pleanála
Proby Residence Áras Cónaithe Proby
Quinn School of Business Scoil Ghnó Uí Chuinn
Richview Lecture Building Foirgneamh Léachtaí Richview
Richview Library Leabharlann Richview
Richview Memorial Hall Halla Cuimhneacháin Richview
Richview Newstead Richview Newstead
Richview Newstead Block C Richview Newstead Bloc C
Richview School of Architecture Scoil na hAiltireachta, Richview
Richview Workshop Ceardlann Richview
Roebuck Castle Caisleán an Ruabhoic
Roebuck Castle Catered Residences Árais Chónaithe Chaisleán an Ruabhoic
Roebuck Hall Residences Árais Chónaithe an Ruabhoic
Roebuck Legal Education Centre Ionad Oideachais Dlí an Ruabhoic
Roebuck Offices Oifigí an Ruabhoic
Rosemount Cnócán na Rós
Royal Hospital Donnybrook An tOspidéal Ríoga, Domhnach Broc
SBI and Charles Institute Institiúid Charles & SBI
Services Corridor An Pasáiste Seirbhís
Sports Centre Ionad Spóirt
Sports Pavillion An Pailliún Spóirt
St Columcille's Hospital, Loughlinstown Ospidéal Naomh Colmcille, Baile Uí Lachnáin
St John of God Hospital Ospidéal Eoin Dé
St Michael's Hospital Ospidéal Naomh Micheál
St Stephens San Stiofán
St Vincent's University Hospital Ospidéal Ollscoile Naomh Uinseann
Student Centre Lárionad na Mac Léinn
Student Club Cumann na Mac Léinn
Sutherland School of Law Scoil Dlí Sutherland
Systems Biology Ireland Córais Bitheolaíochta Éireann
Tallaght Hospital Ospidéal Tamhlachta
The Coombe Healthcare Centre Ionad Cúraim Sláinte an Choim
Thornfield Gort na Sceiche
Tierney Building Áras Uí Thiarnaigh
Tullamore General Hospital Ospidéal Ginearálta an Tulach Mhór
UCD Confucius Institute for Ireland Institiúid Confúicias d’Éirinn UCD
UCD Research Building Foirgneamh Taighde UCD
UCD Reslife Hub, Village Block E
UCD Sport & Fitness Centre Ionad Spóirt & Aclaíochta UCD
UCD University Club Club Ollscoile UCD
UCD Village Baile UCD
UCD Village Block D Bloc D, Baile UCD
UCD Village Block D Bloc D, Baile UCD
UCD Village Block D Bloc D, Baile UCD
UCD Village Block D Bloc D, Baile UCD
UCD Village Block D Bloc D, Baile UCD
UCD Village Block D Bloc D, Baile UCD
UCD Village Block E Bloc E, Baile UCD
UCD Village Block E Bloc E, Baile UCD
UCD Village Block E Bloc E, Baile UCD
UCD Village Block E Bloc E, Baile UCD
UCD Village Block E Bloc E, Baile UCD
UCD Village Block E Bloc E, Baile UCD
UCD Village Centre Studios
UCD Village Price Level Gold
UCD Village Price Level Halls
UCD Village Price Level Penthouse
UCD Village Price Level Platinum
UCD Village Price Level Silver
University Lodge Lóiste na hOllscoile
Urban Institute of Ireland (UII) Institiúid Uirbeach na hÉireann
Veterinary Hospital Ospidéal Tréidliachta
Veterinary Science Centre Ionad na nEolaíochtaí Tréidliachta
Virus Research Complex Coimpléasc um Thaighde ar Víreas
Woodview House Teach Radharc na Coille
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