Building Name | Building Name in Irish |
Agnes McGuire Social Work Building | Foirgneamh Agnes McGuire d'Obair Shóisialta |
Agriculture and Food Science Centre | Ionad Talmhaíochta & Eolaíocht an Bhia |
Ardmore Annexe | Fortheach an Aird Mhóir |
Ardmore House | Teach an Aird Mhóir |
Ashfield Student Residences | Árais Chónaithe na Mac Léinn, Gort na Fuinseoige |
Bank, AIB | Banc, AIB |
Beech Hill | Cnoc na Feá |
Belfield House | Teach Belfield |
Belfield Office Park (Block 6) | |
Belfield Office Park (Block 8 - UCD Institute for Discovery) | Páirc Oifige Belfield (Bloc 8 - Institiúid um Fhionnachtain UCD) |
Belfield Office Park (Block 9/10) | Páirc Oifige Belfield (Bloc 9/10) |
Belgrove Student Residences | Árais Chónaithe na Mac Léinn, Belgrove |
Blackrock Block D | Bloc D na Carraige Duibhe |
Blackrock East/West Hall | Halla Thoir/Thiar na Carraige Duibhe |
Blackrock Exam Centre | Ionad Scrúduithe na Carraige Duibhe |
Blackrock Oratory | Aireagal na Carraige Duibhe |
Blackrock Restaurant | Bialann na Carraige Duibhe |
Blackrock Student Residences | Árais Chónaithe Mac Léinn na Carraige Duibhe |
Building 71 | Foirgneamh 71 |
Catherine McAuley Research Centre | Ionad Taighde Catherine McAuley |
Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases (CRID) | Ionad Thaighde ar Ghlair Thógálacha |
Centre for Synthesis & Chemical Biology (CSCB) | Ionad Um Shintéis agus Chembhitheolaíocht |
Children's University Hospital | Ospidéal Ollscolaíoch na Leanaí |
Clinton Auditorium | Halla Éisteachta Clinton |
Computer Centre | Ionad Ríomhaire |
Computer Science and Informatics Centre | Ionad na Ríomheolaíochta agus na Faisnéisíochta |
Conway Institute | Institiúid Mhic Con Mí |
Coombe Womens’ & Infants’ University Hospital | Ospidéal Ollscoile an Choim do Mhná agus do Naíonáin |
Daedalus Building | Áras Daedalus |
Energy Centre | Ionad Fuinnimh |
Engineering and Materials Science Centre | Ionad Innealtóireachta & Eolaíocht na nÁbhar |
Geary Institute | Institiúid Uí Ghadhra |
Gerard Manley Hopkins Centre | Lárionad Gerard Manley Hopkins |
Glenomena Student Residences | Árais Chónaithe na Mac Léinn, Gleann na Mine |
Graduate School of Business | Scoil Chéimithe agus Ghnó |
Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington Building | Foirgneamh Hannah-Sheehy Skeffington |
Health Sciences Centre | Ionad na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte |
Humanities Institute Ireland | Institiúid na hÉireann don Léann Daonna |
Industrial Microbiology | Micribhitheolaíocht Thionsclaíoch |
James Joyce Library Building | Foirgneamh Leabharlainne James Joyce |
John Hume Institute for Global Irish Studies | Institiúid John Hume don Léann Éireannach Domhanda |
Lung Fibrosis | Fiobróis Scamhóige |
Lyons Estate | Eastát Lyons |
Mater Misericordiae Hospital | Ospidéal an Mater Misericordiae |
Medical Bureau of Road Safety (MBRS) | An Biúró Liachta um Shábháilteacht ar Bhóithre |
Merville Student Residences | Árais Chónaithe na Mac Léinn, Merville |
Muckross Student Residences | Árais Chónaithe Mhucrois |
National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training | An Institiúid Náisiúnta um Thaighde & Oiliúint Bithphróiseála |
National Maternity Hospital | An tOspidéal Náisiúnta Máithreachais |
National Virus Reference Laborary (NVRL) | An tSaotharlann Náisiúnta Tagartha Víris |
Newman Building | Áras Newman |
Newman House | Teach Newman |
Nexus UCD | Nexus UCD |
NovaUCD | NovaUCD |
O'Brien Centre for Science | Ionad Eolaíochta Uí Bhriain |
O'Brien Centre for Science - East | Ionad Eolaíochta - Thoir |
O'Brien Centre for Science - Hub | Ionad Eolaíochta - Mol |
O'Brien Centre for Science - North | Ionad Eolaíochta - Thuaidh |
O'Brien Centre for Science - South | Ionad Eolaíochta - Theas |
O'Brien Centre for Science - West | Ionad Eolaíochta - Thiar |
O'Kane Institute of Film | Institiúid Scannánaíochta Uí Chatháin |
O'Reilly Hall | Halla Uí Raghallaigh |
Oakmount Creche | Naíolann Chnocán Daireach |
Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Church | Séipéal Mhuire Suí na hEagna |
Our Lady's Children's Hospital | Ospidéal Mhuire na Leanaí |
Planning and Environmental Policy | Polasaí Comhshaoil agus Pleanála |
Proby Residence | Áras Cónaithe Proby |
Quinn School of Business | Scoil Ghnó Uí Chuinn |
Richview Lecture Building | Foirgneamh Léachtaí Richview |
Richview Library | Leabharlann Richview |
Richview Memorial Hall | Halla Cuimhneacháin Richview |
Richview Newstead | Richview Newstead |
Richview Newstead Block C | Richview Newstead Bloc C |
Richview School of Architecture | Scoil na hAiltireachta, Richview |
Richview Workshop | Ceardlann Richview |
Riverisland | |
Roebuck Castle | Caisleán an Ruabhoic |
Roebuck Castle Catered Residences | Árais Chónaithe Chaisleán an Ruabhoic |
Roebuck Hall Residences | Árais Chónaithe an Ruabhoic |
Roebuck Legal Education Centre | Ionad Oideachais Dlí an Ruabhoic |
Roebuck Offices | Oifigí an Ruabhoic |
Rosemount | Cnócán na Rós |
Royal Hospital Donnybrook | An tOspidéal Ríoga, Domhnach Broc |
SBI and Charles Institute | Institiúid Charles & SBI |
Services Corridor | An Pasáiste Seirbhís |
Sports Centre | Ionad Spóirt |
Sports Pavillion | An Pailliún Spóirt |
St Columcille's Hospital, Loughlinstown | Ospidéal Naomh Colmcille, Baile Uí Lachnáin |
St John of God Hospital | Ospidéal Eoin Dé |
St Michael's Hospital | Ospidéal Naomh Micheál |
St Stephens | San Stiofán |
St Vincent's University Hospital | Ospidéal Ollscoile Naomh Uinseann |
Student Centre | Lárionad na Mac Léinn |
Student Club | Cumann na Mac Léinn |
Sutherland School of Law | Scoil Dlí Sutherland |
Systems Biology Ireland | Córais Bitheolaíochta Éireann |
Tallaght Hospital | Ospidéal Tamhlachta |
The Coombe Healthcare Centre | Ionad Cúraim Sláinte an Choim |
Thornfield | Gort na Sceiche |
Tierney Building | Áras Uí Thiarnaigh |
Tullamore General Hospital | Ospidéal Ginearálta an Tulach Mhór |
UCD Confucius Institute for Ireland | Institiúid Confúicias d’Éirinn UCD |
UCD Research Building | Foirgneamh Taighde UCD |
UCD Reslife Hub, Village Block E | |
UCD Sport & Fitness Centre | Ionad Spóirt & Aclaíochta UCD |
UCD University Club | Club Ollscoile UCD |
UCD Village | Baile UCD |
UCD Village Block D | Bloc D, Baile UCD |
UCD Village Block D | Bloc D, Baile UCD |
UCD Village Block D | Bloc D, Baile UCD |
UCD Village Block D | Bloc D, Baile UCD |
UCD Village Block D | Bloc D, Baile UCD |
UCD Village Block D | Bloc D, Baile UCD |
UCD Village Block E | Bloc E, Baile UCD |
UCD Village Block E | Bloc E, Baile UCD |
UCD Village Block E | Bloc E, Baile UCD |
UCD Village Block E | Bloc E, Baile UCD |
UCD Village Block E | Bloc E, Baile UCD |
UCD Village Block E | Bloc E, Baile UCD |
UCD Village Centre Studios | |
UCD Village Price Level Gold | |
UCD Village Price Level Halls | |
UCD Village Price Level Penthouse | |
UCD Village Price Level Platinum | |
UCD Village Price Level Silver | |
University Lodge | Lóiste na hOllscoile |
Urban Institute of Ireland (UII) | Institiúid Uirbeach na hÉireann |
Veterinary Hospital | Ospidéal Tréidliachta |
Veterinary Science Centre | Ionad na nEolaíochtaí Tréidliachta |
Virus Research Complex | Coimpléasc um Thaighde ar Víreas |
Woodview House | Teach Radharc na Coille |
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