Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, students should:
1. Demonstrate understanding of knowledge areas and concepts that are relevant for management of projects over their lifecycle 2. Be able to apply variety of project management tools, practices, and frameworks to solve complex practical challenges encountered in the project context
3. Analyze, compare, and contrast alternative courses of action in management of projects and project-based organizations
4. Demonstrate skills of critical thinking as well as high level of oral and written communications skills and team work skills
FORMAT: Active attendance and participation during classes is expected. The module will be 100% assessed on a combination of group and individual assignments as well as in-class participation. There is NO EXAM for this module. For this reason, it is expected that the students attend all lectures during the module – some graded work will be in class time.
NOTE: Depending on input and demonstrated contribution, as well as peer review surveys which may be employed at the end of semester, varying grades may be assigned for individual contributions to group submissions.
PLAGIARISM: No form of plagiarism will be tolerated and grade penalties outlined in the UCD Plagiarism Policy will be applied (may result in Failed mark). Plagiarism includes inclusion of other person’s ideas or works, such as unacknowledged use of any form of published/unpublished source (including books, articles, presentations, videos or other broadcasted material, Internet, another student’s work). Presentation of work, which contains ideas or work of others without appropriate attribution and citation is an act of plagiarism. Please pay attention to scientific policies of ensuring appropriate citations to any readings and use of other material. All work submitted by you or your group must be your own original work, not submitted elsewhere. Any material taken indirectly or directly from other sources is required to be properly referenced. Plagiarism will be heavily penalized. For further details, please see UCD policy for plagiarism: http://www.ucd.ie/registry/academicsecretariat/docs/plagiarism_po.pdf.
Indicative Module Content:
The general structure of sessions planned for this module includes the following, but these may be subject to change:
Introduction & the Project Framework
Time Management
Teams & Leadership
Project Ethics
Project Planning
Project Feasibility & Stakeholders
Risk Management
Virtual Teams
Portfolio Management
Closing a Project
Why Projects Fail
Module Review