Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the module and associated assessments you will have:
1. Improved your level of self-awareness with a view to becoming a more reflective and effective project team member and leader.
2. Developed a deep understanding of the key internal and external factors contributing to effective design and operation of project teams..
3. Gained the competence to diagnose and intervene into work group/team situations to bring about improved collective and project performance.
4. Assessed and developed key team-related skills including decision making, communications and conflict management.
Indicative Module Content:
This module will focus on a range of topics relevant to the design and operation of project teams, Topics to be addressed include:
• Varieties of project teams and teaming
• Team Design
• Team identity, emotion and development
• Motivating and rewarding the team
• Team communications and networking
• Leading the team
• Learning within and across teams
• Team decision making
• Managing conflict in teams
• Teaming across distance and cultures