On completion of the Professional Certificate in Evidence Synthesis, students will be able to:
Acquire knowledge and understanding of:
- Evidence based practice
- Strengths and limitations of evidence synthesis methods to inform decision-making
- Uses of systematic reviews and meta-analysis
- Current methodologies for developing patient-centered clinical guidelines.
Apply knowledge and understanding in:
- Critically appraising new medical literature
- The evidence synthesis methods for healthcare decision-making
- The identification of uncertainties emerging from the scientific evidence
- Conducting new evidence synthesis projects
Make judgements for:
- The strengths and limitations of the scientific evidence
- The correct methodological approach to summarize the existing scientific evidence
- The objective interpretation of the available scientific evidence
- The translation of the scientific evidence into implementation
In addition, students will be able to acquire the following skills:
Communications and working skills
- To communicate with clarity and accuracy the strengths and limitations of the scientific evidence
- To acquire the skills to publish an evidence synthesis-based research project
Learning skills
- To develop motivational and time-management skills to enable effective self-directed learning
- To challenge the status quo of current evidence synthesis techniques
- To carry out independent evidence synthesis research projects
- To develop and enhance interpersonal skills and group communication through peer interaction