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Professional Certificate Referring for Radiological Procedures (Adult)

ProfCert (NFQ Level 8)

This course is available through the following application route(s)

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The Professional Certificate Referring for Radiological Procedures provides the Registered Nurse with the requisite knowledge, skill, and competence to refer for radiological procedures safely and effectively in accordance with legal and professional regulatory frameworks and standards. This is a 10 ECTS credit, level 8 NFQ special purpose award. 

Application system opens 1st May 2025 and closes 30th June 2025

There are three programme options:

  1. X905 Professional Certificate Referring for Radiological Procedures (Child)
  2. X906 Professional Certificate Referring for Radiological Procedures (Adult)
  3. X907 Professional Certificate Referring for Radiological Procedures (Adult & Child)

These programmes are delivered by lecturers from the UCD School of Medicine - Department of Radiography and Diagnostic Imaging in collaboration with UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems

Prior to applying to UCD:

  • Ensure you meet the entry criteria (see entry requirements). Please note, to be eligible to apply you must have successfully completed a module in Health Assessment (to include physical examination skills) (minimum level 8 NFQ)
  • Discuss your potential scope of referral practice based on service need with the medical consultant and the DON 
  • If you are a HSE employee, you must apply to the HSE ONMSD and secure funding prior to applying to the education provider (i.e. UCD).  For information on who can apply and how to apply for funding click here.
  • Discuss local 'referral for radiological procedures' policies, procedures, and guidelines with Nurse Practice Development in the context of your application. 

Please note:

  • There are a limited number of places available on this programme.  Applications may be reviewed prior to the closing date.  Offers of a place will be made to those who meet the entry criteria, have uploaded fully complete required documentation and paid the application fee.  Places are offered on a first come, first served basis.  Once capacity is reached, no further offers will be made and the application system will be closed.   You are advised to apply early so as to avoid disappointment.
  • The Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services Directorate funds all registered nurses employed in the HSE who wish to undertake this education programme

About This Course

Delivered:   September – December (Autumn Trimester)

Indicative Content and Schedule

Module:  Referring for Radiological Procedures (September – December)

This theoretical module focuses on legal and professional aspect of ionising radiation protection and radiation safety for referral practice.  Content is delivered using a blended approach and includes live online and pre-recorded lectures. Live online lectures are front loaded and are scheduled as follows:

  • 11/09/25 Thursday 09.00-16.30pm
  • 12/09/25 Friday  09.00-12.30pm
  • 12/09/25 Friday 13.00-16.30pm ('Child' and 'Adult & Child' options only)

Module:  Clinical Practicum Referring for Radiological Procedures (September – December)

This clinical module is delivered over a 12 week period (September - December).  Clinical instruction equates to 100 hours supervised practice by a designated medical practitioner in the area in which the student is employed.   Students complete ten referral for radiological procedure case studies under the supervision of the medical practitioner.   Each case is logged in the students clinical portfolio of evidence as a demonstration of competence.

Theoretical content supporting this clinical module is delivered using a blended approach and includes live online and pre-recorded lectures. Live online lectures in respect of understanding clinical competence, clinical assessment, scope of practice and use of the clinical portfolio are scheduled as follows:

  • 18/09/25 Thursday 16.00-17.30pm
  • 25/09/25 Thursday 16.00-17.00pm (optional Q&A session)
  • 02/10/25 Thursday 16.00-17.00pm (optional Q&A session)

Please note: 

  • Online learning requires a high level of personal motivation, self-discipline, and an aptitude for self-directed learning. Brightspace (a web-based virtual learning environment) is used extensively.
  • Access to broadband and proficiency in computer skills are essential.  
  • All dates and times are provisional and subject to change

At the end of this programme you will be able to:

  • Critically utilise evidence-based knowledge and skill in conducting a person’s assessment and consultation to achieve a holistic approach to a person’s care when referring for medical radiological procedures
  • Apply clinical decision-making skills in relation to referring persons for medical radiological and other imaging procedures within their scope of practice
  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the legislative and regulatory framework associated with nurse authority to refer persons for medical radiological procedures, including professional guidelines, supporting safe practice
  • Know the justification process
  • Demonstrate an understanding of medical radiological procedures and other imaging procedures and their implication in a person’s safety
  • Understand the principles of radiation protection of the person and staff
  • Demonstrate effective communication skills and knowledge of the role of the multidisciplinary team management involved for the safe and appropriate use of medical radiological procedures and other imaging procedures
  • Understand the role of the practitioner in the referral process
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the person and practitioner safety

Does this programme have an official conferring ceremony?

Please note there is no online or in-person conferring ceremony for this programme. Your parchment will be posted to you by UCD Conferring.

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
NMHS33900 CP Referring RadProc in Adults Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
RDGY30790 RadProc: Ref Adults Autumn  5

Funded Students: Employees of Health Services Executive Voluntary and Statutory Services 

If your Director of Nursing supports your application, and if you are an employee of the Health Services Executive Voluntary and Statutory Services, then the HSE will fund you to undertake this education programme. For information on who can apply and how to apply for HSE funding please click here.  HSE Funding must be approved prior to applying to UCD. Please note, HSE funded applicants must pay the €60 application fee. Your application cannot be processed fully unless the application fee has been paid.


If the fees for your programme are being paid by a third party (full or partial), please ensure your funding organisation/sponsor/hospital contacts student.payments@ucd.ie. Please note this is not a student facing email address.

Student Queries:

If you have any queries about your fees, please contact the Student Desk:



Application Fee:

Please note that all applicants are required to pay the €60 application fee. Your application cannot be processed fully unless the application fee has been paid.

More information about fees is available on the UCD website at the link below:

  • Be currently registered in a division of the NMBI live Register for the following programme options:  

  1. Adult  -  Applicants must be registered as a nurse in the NMBI Register 

  • Provide evidence of having successfully completed a module in Health Assessment (to include physical examination skills) (minimium level 8 NFQ)

  • Be currently employed as a Registered Nurse and or Registered Children’s Nurse in the area in which you wish to practice for the duration of the programme

  • Have a minimium of one year post registration experience

  • Have completed a Site Declaration Referring for Radiological Procedures From signed by the Director of Nursing, Clinical Medical Supervisor and Head of Radiology (Consultant Radiologist) agreeing to provide you with support and clinical supervision towards the achievement of the required competencies for the duration of the programme
  • If HSE funded, have applied and secured funding approval prior to apply to UCD

Documents Required

  • A validated copy of successful completion of a module in Health Assessment (to include physical examination skills) (minimum level 8 NFQ)

  • Certificates of nursing qualifications or validated copies of awards

  • Original transcript(s) including date and grading of degree award (non-UCD Graduates only) & notarised English translation where relevant

  • A current photocopy of your NMBI registration (to include division of register)

  • A copy of your birth certificate or personal page of current passport

  • Evidence of proficiency in English language (applicants whose first language is not English)

  • Site Declaration Form (Referring for Radiological Procedures) (Only up to date Site Declaration Forms are accepted)

  • If HSE funded, a copy of the HSE ONMSD email verifying approval of funding

Please note: Failure to submit the required documentation or parts thereof prior to the application closing date will result in your application being rejected.

Part Time option suitable for:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes
International (Non EEA) applicants: No

  • Next intake:  Sept 2025

  • Application system opens: 1st May 2025

  • Closing date: 30th June 2025

Applicants must be currently registered in a division of the NMBI Register for the following progamme options: 

  • X906 Referring for Radiological Procedures (Adult)  -  Applicants must be registered as a nurse in the NMBI Register 

It is recommended that applicants have the equivalent of a minimum of one-year post-registration experience.

Please note:  If you are a Registered General Nurse and a Registered Children’s Nurse and will be working with both adults and children for the duration of this education programme, you are strongly advised to choose X907 Referring for Radiological Procedures (Adult and Child).  If you choose the Child only option and at a later date in your career you wish to refer an adult for a radiological procedure, then you will have to complete the Adult only education programme first. The same applies if you choose the Adult only education programme and at a later date in your career you wish to refer a child for a radiological procedure, you will at that point have to complete the Child only education programme before referring a child for any radiological procedure.

General application route(s) for Irish/UK/EU applicants* for International (non-EU) applicants* to Professional Certificate Referring for Radiological Procedures (Adult):

showAudience-audienceEU showAudience-audienceInt
Professional Certificate Referring for Radiological Procedures (Adult)
Professional Certificate

Commencing September 2025
Undergraduate Cert and Diploma
Not available to International applicantsOpens 01 May 2025
* you can change options at the top of the page