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MSc in Disability

MSc (NFQ Level 9)

This course is available through the following application route(s)

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The MSc in Disability is a one-year full-time programme delivered by the UCD Centre for Disability Studies within the UCD School of Psychology. The MSc in Disability is developed for all who have an interest in disability including individuals with disabilities, family members and professionals. The philosophy of the programme is to promote an inclusive society respecting the will and preference of persons with disability. The programme includes six mandatory (core) 10 credit modules which provide students with a critical understanding of disability identity, intersectionality, policy and legislation as well as practice-based skills in research methodologies, behavioural support and programme development.

About This Course

The programme is delivered by academics, practitioners and experts by experience using a variety of approaches including expert tuition, small group interaction, peer support and autonomous student learning.  Assessment including essays, presentations, group-based work, and critical reflections. This programme runs across three trimesters, Autumn, Spring and Summer.

Programme Outcomes

  • Integrate knowledge and understanding of the role of national and international disability legislation and policy.
  • Appreciate the contribution of models of disability to historical, current and future conceptions of disability.
  • Develop an intersectional understanding of disability.
  • Promote the application of evidence-based practice and policy in supporting individuals with disability to exercise will and preference.
  • Understand health, educational and therapeutic models and services for supporting identity, sexuality and mortality for individuals with a disability.
  • Critically appraise and evaluate the validity of behaviour support models.
  • Develop and critique education and training programmes within the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) national framework.
  • Demonstrate an integrated knowledge and understanding of research evidence and apply critically in support of one’s argument.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in post-graduate academic skills such as academic writing, critical thinking and reflection.

Most of our graduates are employed in disability services in management, policy and research posts. Those working in the disability  field while studying can use the programme as a route to seek promotion. Some graduates have continued their studies to doctoral level
and are now employed as researchers in the disability field.

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
PSY40640 Advanced Disability Studies Autumn  10
Stage 1 Core Modules
PSY40890 Disability Policy Legislation Autumn  10
Stage 1 Core Modules
PSY40490 Person Centred Programme Development Spring  10
Stage 1 Core Modules
PSY40540 Applied Research Methods Summer  10
Stage 1 Core Modules
PSY40870 Multielement Behaviour Support Summer  10
Stage 1 Core Modules
PSY40880 Identity Sexuality & Mortality Summer  10
Stage 1 Options - B)3 of:
Students should select 30 credits from the below options. Students are required to select 10 credits in Trimester 1 and 20 credits in Trimester 2 from these option modules. The trimester in which each option module is delivered is detailed in the module descriptors below.
EDUC40130 Inclusion and Equality in Education Autumn  10
Stage 1 Options - B)3 of:
Students should select 30 credits from the below options. Students are required to select 10 credits in Trimester 1 and 20 credits in Trimester 2 from these option modules. The trimester in which each option module is delivered is detailed in the module descriptors below.
LAW40760 NGOs: Law, Governance and Social Change Autumn  10
Stage 1 Options - B)3 of:
Students should select 30 credits from the below options. Students are required to select 10 credits in Trimester 1 and 20 credits in Trimester 2 from these option modules. The trimester in which each option module is delivered is detailed in the module descriptors below.
PSY40820 Fundamentals of Neuropsych Autumn  10
Stage 1 Options - B)3 of:
Students should select 30 credits from the below options. Students are required to select 10 credits in Trimester 1 and 20 credits in Trimester 2 from these option modules. The trimester in which each option module is delivered is detailed in the module descriptors below.
SPOL40470 Comparing Healthcare Systems Autumn  10
Stage 1 Options - B)3 of:
Students should select 30 credits from the below options. Students are required to select 10 credits in Trimester 1 and 20 credits in Trimester 2 from these option modules. The trimester in which each option module is delivered is detailed in the module descriptors below.
EDUC40420 Inclusive Education for Pupils with Additional support Needs Spring  10
Stage 1 Options - B)3 of:
Students should select 30 credits from the below options. Students are required to select 10 credits in Trimester 1 and 20 credits in Trimester 2 from these option modules. The trimester in which each option module is delivered is detailed in the module descriptors below.
LAW42130 United Nations Human Rights Practice Spring  10
Stage 1 Options - B)3 of:
Students should select 30 credits from the below options. Students are required to select 10 credits in Trimester 1 and 20 credits in Trimester 2 from these option modules. The trimester in which each option module is delivered is detailed in the module descriptors below.
PHPS40040 Public Health Practice and Policy Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - B)3 of:
Students should select 30 credits from the below options. Students are required to select 10 credits in Trimester 1 and 20 credits in Trimester 2 from these option modules. The trimester in which each option module is delivered is detailed in the module descriptors below.
PHPS40300 Health Promotion Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - B)3 of:
Students should select 30 credits from the below options. Students are required to select 10 credits in Trimester 1 and 20 credits in Trimester 2 from these option modules. The trimester in which each option module is delivered is detailed in the module descriptors below.
POL41030 Theory of Human Rights Spring  10
Stage 1 Options - B)3 of:
Students should select 30 credits from the below options. Students are required to select 10 credits in Trimester 1 and 20 credits in Trimester 2 from these option modules. The trimester in which each option module is delivered is detailed in the module descriptors below.
PSY40400 Managing Change Spring  10
Stage 1 Options - B)3 of:
Students should select 30 credits from the below options. Students are required to select 10 credits in Trimester 1 and 20 credits in Trimester 2 from these option modules. The trimester in which each option module is delivered is detailed in the module descriptors below.
PSY40790 Clinical Cases in Neuropsychology Spring  10

Angela Locke-Reilly
2021 Graduate

Having taken a career break to be a carer to my son I had not been in an educational setting in many years and was apprehensive about returning, especially to such a prestigious university. My experience at UCD was such a breath of fresh air. I felt that the delivery of the course material was so inclusive and accommodating that I instantly felt at home there. Every lecture was brim full of information that I now use professionally as an advocate with Inclusion Ireland. It was such a privilege and a boon to my professional development to learn from sucha diverse and experienced group of lecturers. I plan to return at every opportunity to learn more.

MSc in Disability (W530) Full Time
EU          fee per year - € 10350
nonEU    fee per year - € 22600

***Fees are subject to change

Candidates may apply for admission to the MSc in Disability if they meet the following criteria:

  • A primary degree with a minimum 2.2 classification (second class honours , grade two) or International equivalent   
  • Applicants whose first language is not English must also demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 7.0 (no band less than 6.5 in each element), or equivalent.
You may be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), as UCD recognises formal, informal, and/or experiential learning. RPL may be awarded to gain Admission and/or credit exemptions on a programme. Please visit the UCD Registry RPL web page for further information. Any exceptions are also listed on this webpage.

Full Time option suitable for:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes
International (Non EU) applicants: Yes

The MSc in Disability one-year full-time programme is available to:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes

International (Non EEA) applicants currently residing outside of the EEA Region. Yes

General application route(s) for Irish/UK/EU applicants* for International (non-EU) applicants* to MSc in Disability:

showAudience-audienceEU showAudience-audienceInt
MSc in Disability
Master of Science

Commencing September 2025
Graduate Taught
* you can change options at the top of the page