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Radiation Safety

ProfCert (NFQ Level 9)

This course is available through the following application route(s)

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Course Features

Covers contemporary radiation safety issues for industry, medical and biomedical applications.

Introduces radiation workers to the principles of the physics of radiation safety and the application of these principles.

Provides the necessary tools for those who will become trainers in radiation protection and in the safe use of radiation sources in their profession.

Course Overview

The course will be divided into 10 sections, all of which will be delivered via online learning methods.  This course will attract participants from a variety of backgrounds and training. Radiation Safety Officers are employed in the medical, biomedical and industrial sectors, and professional training is required by law.

Subject areas:

  • Introduction to fundamental concepts
  • Units of radiation exposure and dose
  • Biological effects of ionising radiation
  • Radiation detection and measurement
  • Legal issues and international framework in radiation safety
  • Assessment of internal and external exposures
  • Protection against occupational exposure
  • Emergency planning; non-ionising radiation

Each student will also choose a specialty from either diagnostic radiography, radiation therapy or industrial applications of ionising radiation depending on their area of interest.

The provision of an e-learning structure will allow students to complete training at home, at convenient times.

It will give flexibility to the employer, where release from work duties can be negotiated rather than forced. It will allow the student to pace their learning according to their previous knowledge, which will alleviate stress and increase satisfaction.

The interactivity associated with this e-learning course will engage students, pushing them rather than pulling them through training.

Teaching and learning will take place through a combination of on-line lectures, tutorials and practical sessions.

About This Course

Course overview

  • The course will be divided into 10 one-credit modules, all of which will be delivered via online learning methods.
  • This course will attract participants from a variety of backgrounds and training. Radiation Safety Officers are employed in the medical, biomedical and industrial sectors, and professional training is required by law. At present, no course of this kind is available online in Ireland.

Subject areas

  • Introduction to fundamental concepts
  • Units of radiation exposure and dose
  • Biological effects of ionising radiation
  • Radiation detection and measurement
  • Legal issues and international framework in radiation safety
  • Assessment of internal and external exposures
  • Protection against occupational exposure
  • Emergency planning; non-ionising radiation

Each student will also chose a 3 credit specialty from either diagnostic radiography, radiation therapy or industrial applications of ionising radiation depending on their area of interest.

Learning outcomes

  • Provide a theoretical and practical basis for radiation safety workers to meet legal requirements.
  • Understand the following subject areas relevant to their work area: units of radiation exposure and dose; biological effects of ionising radiation; radiation detection and measurement; legal issues and international framework in radiation safety; assessment of internal and external exposures; protection against occupational exposure; emergency planning; non-ionising radiation.
  • Establish the understanding from which such they may develop practical expertise in radiation safety.
  • Demonstrate their detailed professional knowledge from their own field and be required to debate and apply current research and practice into the wider professional arena.
  • Critically evaluate the radiation safety principles and their role within it.
  • Examine current issues in radiation safety and apply these to clinical/industrial decision-making and problem solving processes.
  • Have the ability to critically reflect and evaluate their individual professional practice and knowledge base in order to recognize their need for continuous professional development and lifelong learning.
  • Demonstrate ability to source and analyse relevant literature. This will be examined at the end of semester.
  • Students will also have a unique opportunity to learn using an online system where they can pace their work to suit personal circumstance.

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
RDGY40900 Radiation Safety Autumn and Spring (separate)  10

ProfCert Radiation Safety (X659) Part Time
EU          fee per year - € 1100
nonEU    fee per year - € 2730

***Fees are subject to change

For information on course fees please visit:

EU applicants fees

Non EU applicants fees

(please enter programme title or programme major code – in the search bar)

Part Time option suitable for:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes
International (Non EEA) applicants currently residing outside of the EEA Region. No

This course will attract participants from a variety of backgrounds and training. Radiation safety officers are employed in the medical, biomedical and industrial sectors and professional training is required by law. At present, UCD is the only institution to offer this training online in Ireland.


  • Entry requirements comprise an undergraduate degree in a related field, however those with sufficient work experience will be considered for the course.

The entry requirements for the course are as follows:

One or more of the following must apply:

- BSc Radiography, BSc Radiation Therapy or equivalent.

- BSc Physics or equivalent.

- An individual named on the General Register of the Medical Council or on the Register of the UK General Medical Council.

- An individual named on the Register of Dentists held by the Dental Council of Ireland or on the Dentists Register of the UK General Dental Council.

- Nurses registered with an Bord Altranais.

- An individual named on the Register of the Veterinary Council of Ireland or on the Register of Members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

- A good standard of education (minimum of Leaving Certificate or equivalent) with evidence of ongoing training in the area of Radiation Safety and professional experience in a field utilising ionising radiation an operating under current legislation (SI 256 / SI30 for diagnostic exposures or international equivalent).

The following should also apply:

- Be currently employed in a facility which uses ionising radiation within the State regulated and licensed by the Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland or within similarly regulated and licensed facilities internationally.

- Demonstrate a commitment to continuing professional development (CPD) within the realms of radiation protection.

- Be computer literate and have continuous internet access for the duration of the programme.

- Possess a good standard of English (proof of accredited English language study certificate may be needed). Details of English language requirements can be found here  

General application route(s) for Irish/UK/EU applicants* for International (non-EU) applicants* to Radiation Safety:

ROWCLASS Apply to   Application Type  
showAudience-audienceEU showAudience-audienceInt X659
Radiation Safety
Professional Certificate
Commencing 2024/2025 September
Graduate Taught Apply
* you can change options at the top of the page