Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module, students will be able to:
i) significantly improve their R and GIS skills;
ii) run a resource selection function using presence-only data and be able to build habitat suitability models;
iii) predict species habitat selection under different scenarios (climate change, habitat change);
iv) become confident with wildlife habitat modelling (different techniques) and acquire the proper skills required to study species ecology and improve their management and conservation.
Indicative Module Content:
1-h lectures will be delivered 3 times a week for 4 weeks (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays), each week ending with a long computer lab session (Fridays, 9am – 12 pm) when students will be equipped with new computational skills as well as they will be working on their final assignments while being assisted by the lecturers and skilled demonstrators.
[SC: Simone Ciuti; VMP: Virginia Morera-Pujol]
week 1
L1 Habitat use, habitat selection, habitat choice by animals: theory and practical examples [SC]
L2 Type of data gathered when monitoring animals in the wild: presence/absence spatial data, used/unused spatial data data, presence/available spatial data. Theory and practical examples including analytical approaches. [SC]
L3 Resource selection by animals: sampling protocols and study design [SC]
Computer lab 1 – HTML documents in Rmarkdown - How to produce HTML interactive reports using RMarkdown by RStudio which can be used to display the results of wildlife habitat modelling (used in academic research, conservation, wildlife management, and ecological consultancies). [SC]
week 2
L4 Spatial analysis in R part I (loading, manipulating, and visualising spatial data) [VMP]
L5 Spatial analysis in R part II (loading, manipulating, and visualising spatial data) [VMP]
L6 Spatial analysis in R part III (loading, manipulating, and visualising spatial data) [VMP]
Computer lab 2 – GIS in R [VMP]
L7 Revision of the basic statistical concepts needed to analyse animal spatial data: regression models [SC]
L8 How to build a resource selection function used to explain habitat selection by animals part I [SC]
L9 How to build a resource selection function used to explain habitat selection by animals part II [SC]
Computer lab 3 – Running a habitat selection model [SC]
week 4
L10 In-class revision of key habitat wildlife modelling concepts and discussion about student projects (part I) [SC]
L11 In-class revision of key habitat wildlife modelling concepts and discussion about student projects (part II) [SC]
L12 In-class revision of key habitat wildlife modelling concepts and discussion about student projects (part III) [SC]
Computer lab 4 – Finalising a habitat selection model [SC]