Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: This certificate enabled attendees to learn and demonstrate specialist knowledge and understanding in advanced bioinformatics techniques including scripting, next generation sequencing, protein structure modelling and analysis, molecular evolution and phylogenetics, network biology, SNP data and use in Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS).
Applying knowledge and understanding: This certificate course enabled attendees to apply the knowledge and understanding to manipulate large genomic data sets from animal studies to generate meaningful results.
Making judgement: The course allowed attendees to critically analyse and evaluate large data sets from animal studies and develop new hypotheses within the field of animal and veterinary sciences.
Communications and working skills: Attendees improved their ability to communicate their conclusions and knowledge obtained from the large datasets and rationale underpinning these to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Learning skills: The course allowed attendees to manipulate and critically analyse data sets and implement successful experimental design in the future with a high degree of autonomy.
Indicative Module Content:
Topics to be covered include:
- Genome structure, sequencing, assembly and annotation
- Next-generation sequencing LINUX/UNIX
- Biostatistics and exploratory data analysis in R
- Intro to evolutionary selection Population genomics
- Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
- Scripting for evolutionary simulation
- Population genetics, drift and selection
- Refining evolution Sims
- Tree-thinking/Darwin’s big idea Phylogenetics
- Network biology—Theory and Cytoscape
- Metabolic modelling/FBA Protein structure prediction