Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the basic parametric models used in statistics. In particular, the topics of point estimation, interval estimation and testing. They should be able to derive large sample results and identify when they are appropriate. They should be able to explain the delta method, jackknife, the bootstrap and results relating to variability.They should be able to use the basic tools of classical statistics and demonstrate knowledge of how to use them in modern statistical problems. They should have a basic understanding of Bayesian models and their role in modern statistics.
Indicative Module Content:
Maximum likelihood; Invariance; Score statistic; Fisher information; Cramer-Rao lower bound; Large sample results: Central limit theorem, consistency and asymptotic normality of the mle; Likelihood ratio statistics and asymptotic distribution; delta method, jackknife, bootstrap, method of moments, Bayesian estimation; confidence intervals and coverage probability.