Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should have developed their ability to:
1. Summarize and explain forces and factors underlying major inequalities globally.
2. Engage with a range of social concepts and theories which help explain global injustices.
3. Demonstrate an ability to evaluate social, political and economic issues within the field of global justice, from a normative and analytical perspective, judging the validity of conclusions reached against available knowledge.
4. Demonstrate critical knowledge of what changes may be required to create a more egalitarian global order.
5. Communicate knowledge and understanding of a range of global justice issues in a clear and coherent manner
Indicative Module Content:
Global poverty and inequality; colonialism and post-colonialism; debt and development; neoliberal capitalism; trade, transnational corporations and international tax justice; global gender relations; the global fashion industry; migration and refugees; ‘race’ and racism; the media and representations of development; environmental justice and climate change.