1) Introduction: From public policy to public administration
o Knill, C. and Tosun, J. (2020). Public policy: A new introduction, second edition. Macmillan Education UK. Chapter 1 (‘Introduction’) and Chapter 2 (‘The Nature of Public Policies’). [the first edition from 2012 is also available]
o Cairney, P. (2019) Understanding public policy: Theories and issues. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. Chapter 1 (‘Introduction to Policy and Policymaking’) and Chapter 2 (‘What is Policy and Policymaking?’).
o Peters, B.G. and J. Pierre (2012 and 2003) ‘The Role of Public Administration in Governing’ in B.G. Peters and J. Pierre (eds) The SAGE Handbook of Public Administration, London: Sage.
2) The role of Public Administration – Why it Matters
o Hague, R., M. Harrop and J. McCormick (2019) Comparative Government and Politics, 11th edition. London: Red Globe. (Chapter 10 ‘Bureaucracies’).
o Hardiman, N. and C. Scott (2012) ‘Ordering Things: The Irish State Administration Database’, Irish Political Studies, Vol. 27(1), pp. 1-22.
3) The Reform Tradition in Public Administration: From Weber to Public Choice to NPM
o Pollitt, C. and S. Dan (2011) ‘The Impacts of the New Public Management in Europe: A Meta-Analysis’, COCOPS research report, Work Package 1 – Deliverable 1.1 (available on Brightspace) [also available via]
o Lynn, L.E. (2012) ‘Public Management’ in B.G. Peters and J. Pierre (eds) The SAGE Handbook of Public Administration, London: Sage.
4) Comparative Public Administration
o Pollitt, C. and G. Bouckaert (2017) Public Management Reform. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Chapter 3) (available on Brightspace).
o Chandler, J.A. (ed) (2000) Comparative Public Administration. London: Routledge (Chapter 1) (available on Brightspace).
5) Public Administration and Policy-Making
o Johnston Miller, K. and D. McTavish (2014) Making and Managing Public Policy, London: Routledge (Chapter 1)
o Cairney, P. (2020) Understanding Public Policy: Theories and Issues, Basingstoke: Palgrave (Chapter 4, and other chapters on specific frameworks)
o Hill, M. and F. Varone (2017) The Public Policy Process, Harlow: Pearson (Chapters 9 and 10 on ‘agenda setting’ and ‘policy formation’ on classical frameworks and discussing the role of civil servants) (available on Brightspace)
6) Public Administration and Implementation
o Hill, M. and P. Hupe (2014) Implementing Public Policy, third edition, London: Sage (Chapters 3 and 7) (available on Brightspace).
o Matland, R.E. (1995) ‘Synthesizing the Implementation Literature: The Ambiguity-Conflict Model of Policy Implementation’, Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory, Vol. 5(2), pp. 145-174.
7) The Public and Public Administration: User Involvement, Co-Production & Participation
o Loeffler, E. and T. Bovaird (2016) ‘User and Community Co-Production of Public Services: What Does the Evidence Tell Us?’, International Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 39(13), pp. 1006-1019.
o Brannan, T., P. John and G. Stoker (2006) ‘Active Citizenship and Effective Public Services and Programmes: How Can We Know What Really Works?’, Urban Studies, Vol. 43(5-6), pp. 1083-1101.
9) Agencification, Autonomy and Control in Public Administration and Policy
o Verhoest, K., P.G. Roness, B. Verscheure, K. Rubecksen and M. MacCarthaigh (2010) Autonomy and Control of State Agencies: Comparing States and Agencies, Basingstoke: Palgrave (Chapters 2 and 3) (e-book).
o Van Thiel, S. (2012) ‘Comparing Agencies across Countries’, in K. Verhoest, S. Van Thiel, G. Bouckhaert and P. Lægreid (eds) Government Agencies: Practices and Lessons from 30 Countries, Basingstoke: Palgrave (available on Brightspace).
10) Public Administration, Sub-National Administration and Network Forms of Governance
o John, P. (2001) Local Governance in Western Europe, London: Sage (Chapter 1) (available on Brightspace).
o Callanan M. and J. Loughlin (2021) ‘A thematic approach to the research agenda for regional and local government’, in M. Callanan and J. Loughlin (eds.) A Research Agenda for Regional and Local Government, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (available on Brightspace).
o Hooghe, L. and G. Marks (2003) ‘Unraveling the Central State, but How? Types of Multi-level Governance’, American Political Science Review, Vol. 97(2), pp. 233-243.
o Rhodes R.A.W. (1997) Understanding Governance: Policy Networks, Governance, Reflexivity and Accountability, Buckingham: Open University Press (Chapters 2 and 3) (available on Brightspace).
o Börzel, T.A. (1998) ‘Organizing Babylon: On the Different Conceptions of Policy Networks’, Public Administration, Vol. 76(2), pp. 253-273.
o Klijn, E.H. and J. Koppenjan (2012) ‘Governance network theory: past, present and future’, Policy & Politics, Vol. 40(4), pp. 587-606.
11) The role of the EU and International Organizations in National Public Policy and Administration
o Dolowitz, D. and D. Marsh (2000) ‘Learning from abroad: The role of policy transfer in contemporary policy making’, Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration, Vol. 13(1), pp. 5-23.
o Sahlin-Andersson, K. (2002) ‘National, International and Transnational Constructions of New Public Management’, in T. Christensen P. Lægreid (eds.) New Public Management: The transformation of ideas and practice, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing (available on Brightspace).
o Knill, C. and D. Lehmkuhl (2002) ‘The national impact of European Union regulatory policy: Three Europeanization mechanisms’, European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 41(2), pp. 255-280.
12) Accountability in Public Administration
o Behn, R. (2001) Rethinking Democratic Accountability. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press (Chapters 1 and 3).
o Bovens, M. (2010) ‘Two Concepts of Accountability: Accountability as a Virtue and as a Mechanism’, West European Politics, Vol. 33(5), pp. 946-967.