Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate a broad understanding of the human causes and consequences of global environmental change
2. Understand the consequences of material arrangements on ecological outcomes
3. Understand the challenge of meeting population needs at a globally sustainable level of resource use
4. Grasp how national governments conceptualize and measure human wellbeing and understand how and why this has evolved
5. Understand the relationships between carbon-intensive consumption and human wellbeing
6. Understand the role of social policies in transitioning to a Just Ecological Society
7. Be familiar with how national economies might be transformed to prioritize human wellbeing over economic growth
Indicative Module Content:
We will cover the following theories and concepts;
• Theory of universal need
• Inter-and intra-generational equity
• Risk and disproportionality in outcomes
• Hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing
• Sustainable Human Wellbeing
• Emissions reductions and fair burdens
• Human Development Index
• Wellbeing economy
• Conspicuous vs vicarious consumption, leisure, and waste.
• Eco-social policies
• Degrowth and post-growth perspectives