Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be able to:
1. demonstrate that they have an understanding of the core principles of welfare
2. explain some of the key concepts necessary for analysing social policy and how they are interconnected
3. use these concepts to analyse some examples of social policy.
Indicative Module Content:
• What is social policy?
• Concepts, theories and Social Policy?
• Welfare, Well-being
• The environment, sustainable welfare & needs
• Welfare systems, mixed economy of welfare
• Needs and risks
• The Welfare state
• Redistribution, universalism/selectivism
• Citizenship, Social rights
• Stigma
• Social protection: insurance, assistance, universal
• Poverty, material deprivation, and social exclusion
• Inequality
• Social divisions, social groups, needs, rights and recognition
• Models of Welfare/welfare state
• Political ideologies, welfare and social policy.