Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
- write descriptive and narrative written texts articulating, in present and past tenses, basic storylines related to everyday topics with a precise control of grammatical accuracy. (Production)
- engage with selected aural and written materials by showing an understanding of their overall meaning and specific details relevant to the contents of this module. (Reception)
- accurately employ an appropriate range of vocabulary in narrating simple events and circumstances and expressing opinions about everyday topics, in oral and written communication. (Production)
- display a precise command of verb morphology (present, past, imperative, subjunctive, future, conditional) and sentence structure in Spanish. (Production)
- demonstrate an ability to manage their own learning through the completion of specified learning activities. (Reception and Production)
Indicative Module Content:
By the end of the module, you are expected to have assimilated all most of the contents of the textbook, Campus Sur in hard copy or the online edition.
As a general guide, we cover one chapter (or 'unit') of the book each week. Additionally there will be some in-class tasks set , both graded and ungraded'. In week 9, there will be the 50-minute AV Test.
Below is a skeleton of the grammar you are expected to have absorbed by the end of the module. Also at your disposal are the Self-Study Materials on Brightspace.
You should also aim to learn as much of the vocabulary in Campus Sur as possible, grouping it in your mind according to the core thematic areas.
Semana 1-3: repaso de áreas claves del primer trimestre:
1) tiempos del pasado,
2) acentuación
3) ser/estar
4) posesivos átonos y tónicos
5) género y número
6) verbos reflexivos
7) preposiciones
8) estar de des/acuerdo
9) marcadores temporales
9) imperativo afirmativo (con los pronombres)
10) comparativos
Semanas 4-12:
11) condicional y oraciones condicionales
12) subjuntivo y imperativo negativo
13) expresar deseos y preferencias (valorar con subjuntivo o indicativo)
14) dar consejos
15) futuro
16) pretérito pluscuamperfecto
17) voz pasiva y impersonalidad
Habrá un test escrito en la semana 7 antes del break y un AV Test en la semana 10. En la semana 13 habrá un examen oral de 5-7 minutos.