Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the Module, students should be able to:
1. Critically understand, appraise and explain diverse (environmental, health, political, socioeconomic, etc.) challenges facing the Global South and their connections with the Global North.
2. Students should be able to identify the source(s) of these challenges and the extent to which they affect each continent or country in the Global South.
3. Students will develop the necessary critical academic and analytical skills required to recommend policies and proffer lasting and valuable solutions to the challenges of the Global South.
4. Appraise the workability of the solutions to (economic, environmental, health, and socio-political) the challenges facing the South and the transferability of such solutions to the Global North.
Indicative Module Content:
In this module, we will explore the following topics:
- Introduction to Global Challenges (with emphasis on the South).
- Corruption and Human Development in GS
- Foreign Aid and (Under)Development in GS
- Other specific Human Development Challenges facing the Global South (GS) we will consider include. 'Health' and
• Special topics we will consider include – Disease outbreaks and pandemics such as COVID-19. We will also consider
sociocultural issues relating to gender inequalities.
• Vaccine capitalism, inequality, vaccine resistance, etc.
- Commercial Determinants of Health in GS
- Climate Change, Activism and Human Development in GS
- Conflict, Violence, and War in GS
- Migration, Activism, and Policies in GS
• We will answer the questions: what is the major cause(s) of migration in GS, and what are the effects on both GS and North)? How do we proffer useful solutions to both the GN and GS?
- International Organized Crime in the GS and Implications for Development
• Illegal mining of natural resources as an organised crime
• Terrorism networks
• Drug Trafficking, amongst other challenges.
• Students will be able to understand the social process and practices of organised crime, the systemic network of operation of
crime syndicates, and how their activities affect human development).
• What are the solutions to these challenges?