Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify and explain the standards of good governance that apply to sport organisations, from international federations and national governing bodies, to clubs.
2. Discuss and critically reflect on governance theories and concepts and how they may be applied to sports systems, at local, national and international levels.
3. Critically evaluate the governance structures in sport organisations.
4. Generate proposals that translate good governance principles into actionable objectives for sports organisations
5. Understand the role of certain legal provisions, regulations and statutes and how they affect sports in general;
Indicative Module Content:
Understanding Political, Systemic & Organisational Governance - Explore the relevance of each to the study of governance and sport; Governance Domains - Corporate / Non-profit / Hybrid + applicability to an understanding of some of the governance challenges faced in sports governance; Governance in Action - Case Studies in Sport ; Key legal issues in sport ranging from company law to corruption.