Learning Outcomes:
Students who successfully complete this module should be able to work independently on a sustained piece of academic work, be proficient in research methods in their chosen field, and be familiar with the guidelines for formatting and referencing academic work.
Indicative Module Content:
Autumn trimester:
Weeks 1-4
· Choose two research topics
· Draft a 500-word proposal for both topics
· Workshop 1: Formulating Research Questions
Week 5
· Approach module coordinator
· Be allocated Supervisor for subject area by module coordinator and decide which topic to pursue and begin to work on proposal.
Weeks 6-7
· Continue to work on project proposal with supervisor
· Workshop 2: Choosing your methodology
Week 8
· Research Project Proposal (one side of A4) – 15%
Weeks 9-11
· Formulate indicative Bibliography.
· Hone core reading. Draft chapter plan.
· Workshop 3: Reading Secondary Sources
Week 12
· Submission of annotated Bibliography - 15%
Spring trimester:
· At least four meetings with your allocated supervisor to discuss your progress
· Submission of completed Dissertation at the end of the trimester - 70%