Learning Outcomes:
On completing this module, you will have:
1. Demonstrated and expressed knowledge and understanding of Ireland in a cultural, contemporary and historical context
2. Explored the economic, social and cultural context of business in Ireland
3. Further developed your intercultural mindset and awareness of the value and application of intercultural skills in a global context
4. Assessed and expanded your intercultural skills
5. Developed a specialist topic of your choosing through research and writing.
Indicative Module Content:
(Indicative - Order and topics may change responsively).
1. Introducing Ireland: Setting the Scene
2. Field trip
3. Exploring Intercultural Skills
4. Ireland and her history
5. Ireland through literature, arts and heritage
6. Ireland and her economy
7. Ireland and her politics
8. Intercultural Skills: A closer look
9. Ireland and her people
10. Final Recap Session & Field trip.