Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module applicants should be able to:
demonstrate high level clinical skills in the performance of an ultrasound assessment of the uterus using both 2D and 3D scanning techniques;
demonstrate high level skills in the interpretation and reporting of these scanning techniques.
demonstrate high level clinical skills in the performance of Hysterosalpingo-Contrast Sonography (HyCoSy) and Saline Infused Sonograms;
demonstrate high level skills in the interpretation and reporting of these ultrasound guided procedures;
justify the contribution of these procedures and 3D ultrasound to the overall management of the fertility patient;
demonstrate their ability to self-evaluate their performance in the clinical environment
communicate written information in an effective manner
demonstrate IT skills;
demonstrate an ability to learn independently
Indicative Module Content:
Students registered for this programme are offered the opportunity to study the following aspects of advanced ultrasound imaging in fertility ultrasound: the fundamental principles of HyCoSy and SIS procedures in the management of fertility; 2D and 3D ultrasound assessment of the normal female pelvis and recognition and characterisation of uterine and ovarian pathology. This programme will develop and extend knowledge on 3D volume acquisition and application of post processing software in gynaecology. The principles of reporting of ultrasound guided procedures, scans and 3D images will also be covered.
Topics covered will stimulate students to investigate issues from a wide variety of perspectives including: communication; clinical history and clinical investigations; protocols and guidelines; ethical and social implications.