Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module the successful student will be able to:
1) Understand the principles of recognising and interpreting radiographic image appearances.
2) Relate the clinical indications for a radiographic examination with associated image appearances.
3) Differentiate between normal radiographic anatomy and features of commonly encountered pathologies of the skeletal system, chest and abdomen and critically evaluate them.
4) Integrate information from a range of sources including the referring clinician, the patient and previous radiographic examinations in order to arrive at possible conclusions.
5) Relate the implications of specific radiographic appearances to radiographic practice decision-making regarding the need for supplementary projections and/or repeat radiographs, and the criteria for determining acceptable image quality.
6) Discuss the impact of correctly interpreted image appearances on clinical management pathways for patients.
7) Summarise the findings of radiographic image evaluation accurately and concisely.