Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of the module, students should show understanding of:
The different aspects of professionalism expected of a Radiographer in training within a clinical environment.
The application of key concepts of EDI in Radiography.
The radiographers' role in providing information to patients and the wider multi-disciplinary team.
The radiographers' responsibility in communicating with different types of patients.
The radiographers' role in managing aspects of conflict and resistance, their own ethical practice and relationships with patients and the wider multi-disciplinary team.
The assignments asks you to relate what you have learned in the taught content and additional reading of
trimester one of the module to clinical scenarios that a patient might experience. The aims of the module assignments
are to:
1. help you bring together what you are learning in theory and your understanding of clinical best
2. encourage you to reflect on how well you are developing and applying your knowledge of
Indicative Module Content:
The indicative curricular content relates to the topic of professional skills for the clinical radiography context students will encounter as part of their undergraduate programme.