Learning Outcomes:
1) Identify the core characteristics of the most prevalent neurodevelopmental conditions.
2) Critically appraise the research literature on major neurodevelopmental conditions.
3) Understand the impact these neurodevelopmental conditions have on learning and well-being and explore the interventions available to attenuate their impact.
Indicative Module Content:
1- Brain Architecture & module details.
2- Introduction to Neurodevelopmental Disorders & group work
3- Intellectual Disability - Clinical Description*
4- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Clinical Description
5- Autism Spectrum Disorder - Clinical Description
6- Seminars related to classes 3, 4 and 5
7- Developmental Dyslexia - Clinical Description
8- Developmental Dyscalculia - Clinical Description
9- Seminars related to classes 7 and 8
10- Ethical Issues in Genomics Research & Wrap up
(*) Clinical Description includes: Definition, Symptoms, Aetiology, Diagnosis, & Treatment
Important: Neurodevelopmental Disorders selected may vary each year according to scientific updates.