Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of the module, students should be able to:
1. Describe and evaluate the policy context for local planning;
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the inter-related aspects of planning
3. Develop key skills in planning analysis, goal formulation and site development;
4. Gain an appreciation of the importance of critical reflection for professionalism as a result of tutor and peer feedback at different stages of the work programme;
5. Enhance their teamwork capacity and oral, written, diagram-making and presentational skills.
Indicative Module Content:
A summary description of the project stages is outlined below. Please note that a detailed project brief will be provided to students at the beginning of each new project stage outlining in detail the specific objectives of each stage, assessment, and key deliverables.
1. Project Inception and Gathering the Evidence
Students will be introduced to the project brief and the study area. They will be introduced to some of the issues relating to townscape analysis, historic analysis and demographic analysis.
Students will then be divided into small groups to undertake a desk study of the planning and policy context for the study area. This will primarily involve a review of policy documents, that provide the wider strategic context for our study, and secondary data, which will provide an evidence base to inform both our analysis and future development options.
2. Physical and Spatial Analysis – town/neighbourhood/village survey
This stage involves a fieldtrip to the study area to undertake a survey of the urban structure and physical planning context. The focus will be placed on townscape analysis and town surveys.
Students will complete the analysis of the information collected in surveys and prepare material for a visual presentation of their findings.
3. Visioning and Future Development Options
A SWOT analysis provides a summary of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats facing the study area. The SWOT analysis is based on the analysis undertaken in previous stages of the project, and provides a basis for ‘brainstorming’ issues and synthesising findings to date. The students will be divided into groups and each group will be asked to give a presentation in class on their analysis and to submit a brief report.
Following the SWOT analysis, the entire class will work towards developing a vision statement and a set of future development goals for the study town. The specific objectives will be informed by the analysis undertaken in the above stages.