Learning Outcomes:
This module starts off from traditional electromagnetic wave optics, photonics, light sources, detectors, and waveguiding before progressing to nanooptics and biophotonics. Topics such as waveguides, modes, optical fibres, lasers, resolution limit, diffraction theory, Zernike aberrations, adaptive optics, wavefront sensing, scattering, optical tweezers, near-field optics, plasmonics and advanced microscopy (light sheet microscopy, multiphoton microscopy, structured illumination, and localization microscopy ) will all be covered.
Likewise, biomedical techniques such as endoscopes, optical coherence tomography, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, ophthalmology, visual optics and dermatology will be extensively covered. On completion, the student will have a comprehensive knowledge of light-matter interactions at both the micron and the nanoscale. This will make the student able to follow and take on an active role in present-day optical research at the interface of optical physics with bio- and life sciences.
Indicative Module Content:
Geometrical optics and waveoptics
Optical waveguiding
Optical microscopy (widefield and scanning)
Nonlinear optics
Optical coherence tomography
Adaptive optics