Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be have complete picture of quantum physics, and be able to apply fundamental quantum mechanics to physical systems. They should have an appreciation of how these theoretical models relate to experimentally determined quantities, and about edge applications of quantum physics.
Indicative Module Content:
The time-dependent Schrodinger equation
The probability density and the probability current
The normalization of the wavefunction
The time-independent Schrodinger equation and stationary solutions
Energy eigenstates and eigenfunctions
Orthonormal basis
Wavefunctions as linear combination of eigenfunctions and their time evolution
Expectation values
Energy eigenstates in one dimension
The variational principle (with few examples)
Vector representation of wavefunctions
Position and momentum operators, eigenstates and eigenfunctions
Matrix representations of the position and momentum operators
Momentum representation (Fourier transforms)
Overview of linear algebra (e.g. hermitian and unitary operators, complex vector space) Bra and Ket notation, and inner product
The Stern-Gerlach experiment (complete derivation)
Spin one-half states and operators, vector and matrix representations
Pauli matrices
Spin states in arbitrary directions
Quantum dynamics
Schrodinger dynamics representation
Unitary time evolution operator
Derivation of the Schrodinger equation
Derivation of the unitary time evolution operator
Heisenberg dynamics representation
Heisenberg operators and equation of motion
Examples of Schrodinger and Heisenberg representations (e.g. harmonic oscillator)
Two state systems case and the vector representation of the Schrodinger equation
Spin precession in a magnetic field
The ammonia molecule
Ammonia molecule in an electric field, and the MASER (Nobel Prize work)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Nobel Prize work)
Multiparticle states and tensor product
Entangled states
Bell basis states
Quantum teleportation
EPR paradox
Bell Inequality
Introduction to quantum information theory
Introduction to quantum biology
Time dependent perturbation theory
Scattering theory, and neutron scattering
Dirac equation