Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should:
- understand how to carry out a review of the scientific literature, conduct and write up a comprehensive literature review on the topic of their dissertation;
- understand the ethical aspects of conducting scientific / public health research;
- apply for approval of the study under consideration and request data from the relevant secondary source for their research topic (data analysis projects) or conduct a systematic review ;
- be competent to make oral presentations (in the style of a conference presentation) of their research project to relevant audiences;
- know how to manage research data, to analyse data using statistical software, and to interpret results;
- present a complete written dissertation on their research topic (in the style of a journal article), to include appropriate presentation of results, discussion of results in the context of existing literature and possible policy implications of their findings.
Indicative Module Content:
- Orientation to UCD library facilities:
- Training in online reference management systems;
- Critical appraisal of the scientific literature on the research topic chosen;
- Research integrity training;
- How to develop and formulate a research question;
- SMART research aims and objectives;
- study designs appropriate to the research question;
- preparation of dissertation database;
- preparation of an elevator pitch;
- analysis of data, presentation of results;
- interpretation of results in the context of existing literature;
- understanding and presenting strengths and limitations of the study;
- writing and presentation of dissertation research (dissertation in style of a journal article, how to prepare an abstract, poster and oral presentation);
- understanding the publication process.