Learning Outcomes:
1- Understand the significant challenges in the international health arena and be able to discuss and suggest potential solutions.
2- Critically evaluate the activities of key organisations that exert influence at a macro level, such as the World Bank, the G7, WHO, FAO etc.
3- Apply situation analysis, stakeholder mappings and evidence-based interventions to a global health challenge in a particular region or country.
4- Identify and analyse tools to set change in motion for current Global Health challenges
Indicative Module Content:
Three weeks are allocated to understand an Overview of Global Health actors and their role in setting the International Health agenda.
We will then allocate two weeks for each of the following case studies: Reproductive Health and Women's Reproductive Rights, Built Environment and Development and Nutrition and Food security.
Two weeks are allocated to students' work and presentations. Students are expected to learn how to conduct a situation analysis, map stakeholders and identify possible evidence-based policies or interventions.