Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module students will be able to:
• Appreciate the usefulness and limitations of statistical modelling approaches to data analysis;
• Be able to choose an appropriate model in a given analysis situation, including assessing appropriateness and choice of covariates and interaction effects
• Use and interpret statistical software for linear, logistic or Cox regression modelling of their data;
• Present the results of regression models using correct and interpretable tables and graphs
• Critically evaluate the 'statistical methods' section of a scientific publication.
Indicative Module Content:
- Linear regression
- Correlation
- Logs and exponentials (revision)
- Logistic regression
- Confounding
- Interaction / effect modification
- Time-to event analyses - life tables and Kaplan-Meier curves
- Cox Proportional Hazards Regression
- Paired and longitudinal analyses with ANOVA