Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Understand the basic principles of epidemiology as applied to non communicable disease
2. Identify the major chronic diseases of developed coutries and describe their epidemiology and apply to health education and awareness
3. Compare trends in major chronic diseases in Ireland and internationally and identify sources of information
4. Understand the multifactorial nature of many chronic diseases
5. Apply criteria to evaluate introduction of a screening programme / understand the key issues in screening today / be apply to calculate sensitivity/specificity/PPV and NPV, understand screening in series and in parallel
6. Apply the principles of good screening organisation and practice to the introduction of a screening programme.
7. Prepare and deliver group Powerpoint presentation
Indicative Module Content:
Cancer registration
Basics of epidemiology as applied to non communicable disease
Cancer epidemiology (major cancers)
Screening - criteria, controversies, calculations of key metrics
Cancer prevention
Human papilloma virus and cancer
Respiratory diseaese epidemiology
Cardiovascular disease epidemiology
Obesity & Diabetes Mellitus